Birdwatching is an enriching hobby that connects individuals with nature, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of our environment. However, for beginners, identifying birds and tracking their habits can be daunting without the right tools. Fortunately, technology has made bird identification more accessible and enjoyable. Several mobile apps have been created specifically for birdwatchers, ranging from novices to seasoned ornithologists, making it easier than ever to dive into the world of avian observation. Here's a roundup of the top five birdwatching apps designed to help beginners identify, record, and learn about their local feathered friends.

1. Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab

2. eBird

  • Overview: Also offered by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, eBird functions both as a bird guide and a citizen science project, allowing users to record and submit their bird sightings.

  • Features:

    • A vast database of bird sightings worldwide.
    • Personal checklists and location-based alerts for rare bird sightings in your area.
    • The ability to contribute data used by scientists for bird conservation efforts.
  • Why It's Great for Beginners: eBird encourages beginners not only to identify birds but also to participate in a global community of birdwatchers, contributing valuable data for conservation while honing their birdwatching skills.

3. Audubon Bird Guide

4. BirdNET

5. Raptor ID

  • Overview: Focused specifically on birds of prey, Raptor ID offers detailed information and identification tips for raptor enthusiasts. This specialized app caters to those particularly interested in hawks, eagles, falcons, and other raptors.

  • Features:

    • Detailed profiles for North American raptors, including photos, sounds, and range maps.
    • Side-by-side comparison feature for closely related species.
    • Tips on identifying raptors in flight, a challenge for many birdwatchers.
  • Why It's Great for Beginners: Raptor ID demystifies the complex world of raptor identification, providing novices with the tools to recognize these majestic birds confidently.


Each of these birdwatching apps offers unique features and benefits to help beginners delve into the fascinating world of birding. Whether you're drawn to the visual beauty of birds, intrigued by their calls and songs, or interested in contributing to scientific research, there's an app to support your journey. By leveraging these digital tools, you can quickly transform from a casual observer into an informed and passionate birdwatcher, ready to explore the rich avian diversity around you.

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