Tap dance, with its exciting footwork and rhythmic sounds, can be a delightful activity for toddlers. It not only introduces them to the world of dance but also helps in developing their motor skills, coordination, and musicality. Here are ten fun tap dance moves that are sure to capture your toddler's imagination and enthusiasm.

1. Toe Taps

This basic move involves tapping the toe of the shoe on the ground to make a sound. It's simple yet effective for teaching toddlers how to create rhythms with their feet.

How to Teach It:

  • Ask your toddler to stand with their feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Demonstrate how to lift one foot and tap the toe down on the floor, then repeat with the other foot.

2. Heel Drops

Similar to toe taps, heel drops focus on the other end of the foot. This move helps in building ankle strength and control.

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How to Teach It:

  • Show your toddler how to lift their foot and then drop the heel to make a sound.
  • Encourage them to try it slowly at first, alternating between both feet.

3. Shuffles

Shuffles are a fundamental tap dance step that combines a forward movement (brush) and a backward movement (strike) with the ball of the foot.

How to Teach It:

  • Begin by showing your toddler how to slide one foot forward (brush) and then quickly slide it back to the starting position (strike).
  • Practice this movement slowly, focusing on making clear sounds with each motion.

4. Stomp

Stomping is an energetic move that involves lifting the foot and then striking the entire foot down to make a loud sound.

How to Teach It:

  • Demonstrate a stomp by lifting one foot high and then bringing it down with force, making sure the entire foot makes contact with the ground.
  • Have your toddler mimic you, stomping around the room to the beat of some lively music.

5. Step Heels

This move adds a little complexity by combining two actions---stepping forward and then dropping the heel.

How to Teach It:

  • Instruct your toddler to step forward with one foot.
  • Then, show them how to lift the back foot and drop the heel to make a sound.
  • Repeat the sequence, alternating feet.

6. Flaps

Flaps integrate a brush and a strike in a fluid motion that travels forward, making it a bit more challenging but incredibly fun.

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How to Teach It:

  • Guide your toddler to brush one foot forward and then immediately follow with a flat foot coming down (strike).
  • Encourage them to try moving forward with flaps, alternating feet as they go.

7. Ball Change

The ball change is a quick transfer of weight from one foot to the other, often used as a transition move in tap routines.

How to Teach It:

  • Start with both feet on the ground.
  • Show them how to shift their weight to the ball of one foot and then quickly switch to the other foot.
  • Keep the movements small and controlled.

8. Hop Shuffle

Adding a hop before the shuffle makes this move exciting and helps develop balance and coordination.

How to Teach It:

  • Have your toddler start with a simple hop on one foot.
  • Then, while still in the air, demonstrate how to execute a shuffle with the other foot before landing.
  • This move requires practice to master the timing.

9. Cramp Roll

The cramp roll combines four sounds made by alternatively tapping the toes and heels of both feet. It's a joyous move that feels like a little victory dance.

How to Teach It:

  • Break down the move into toe steps and heel drops.
  • Start with toe steps using right then left foot, followed by heel drops using right then left foot.
  • Encourage practicing slowly at first, then gradually increase speed as they become more comfortable.

10. Simple Time Step

Time steps are iconic tap combinations that feel like mini dances. A simplified version can be a thrilling achievement for a toddler.

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How to Teach It:

  • Introduce a basic pattern such as stomp, hop, step, flap, step.
  • Demonstrate the sequence slowly, emphasizing the rhythm and encouraging them to listen to the sounds their feet make.
  • Practice together, celebrating each successful sequence.


Introducing your toddler to tap dance through these fun and straightforward moves can spark a lifelong appreciation for dance and rhythm. Remember, the goal is to have fun and encourage a love for movement. Celebrate every little step and stomp, and don't forget to join in on the fun!

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