Darts is not only a game of skill and strategy but also a sport that values good sportsmanship and etiquette. Whether you're playing at a competitive level or enjoying a friendly game with friends, following proper dart etiquette is essential. In this article, we will outline the dos and don'ts of proper sportsmanship in dart games to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Dos of Dart Etiquette

  1. Respect Your Opponent: Treat your opponent with respect and courtesy throughout the game. Shake hands before and after the match as a gesture of goodwill.

  2. Maintain Proper Behavior: Conduct yourself in a calm and composed manner during the game. Avoid excessive celebrations or displays of frustration, as it can disrupt the focus and concentration of your opponent.

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  3. Observe Silence: When players are throwing their darts, maintain silence to allow them to concentrate fully. Unnecessary noise or distractions can be disrespectful and may negatively impact their performance.

  4. Adhere to Turn-Taking: Respect the order of play and wait for your turn patiently. Allow each player to throw their darts without interruption or distraction.

  5. Acknowledge Good Shots: If your opponent throws an impressive shot or achieves a high score, acknowledge their achievement with a nod or a few words of appreciation. This shows good sportsmanship and creates a positive atmosphere.

  6. Follow Scoring Accuracy: Pay attention to the scoring to ensure accuracy. If there is a discrepancy, address it calmly and resolve it amicably with your opponent. Refrain from disputing scores in a confrontational manner.

  7. Congratulate the Winner: Regardless of the outcome, congratulate the winner on their victory. Show genuine sportsmanship by shaking hands and acknowledging their skill and effort.

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Don'ts of Dart Etiquette

  1. Distract or Intimidate Opponents: Avoid any actions that may distract or intimidate your opponent during their turn. This includes excessive movement, noise-making, or engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior.

  2. Move into the Throwing Line of Sight: While waiting for your turn, do not stand directly in the line of sight of the player throwing darts. Respect their space and ensure they have a clear view of the board.

  3. Touch Darts on the Board: Refrain from touching any darts that are already on the dartboard. Accidentally knocking or moving someone else's dart can disrupt their throw and is considered disrespectful.

  4. Engage in Excessive Gamesmanship: While some friendly banter and light-hearted competition are acceptable, avoid excessive gamesmanship or trash-talking. It is essential to maintain a positive and respectful atmosphere throughout the game.

  5. Disrupt the Flow of the Game: Avoid delaying the game unnecessarily. Be prompt in retrieving your darts after each turn and keep the game moving smoothly. Prolonged delays can frustrate your opponents and hinder the overall experience.

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  6. Display Poor Sportsmanship: Do not display poor sportsmanship by sulking, complaining, or behaving aggressively if you are losing or facing difficulties in the game. Remember to remain gracious in both victory and defeat.

  7. Use Offensive Language or Gestures: Respectful language and appropriate behavior are crucial in maintaining a pleasant playing environment. Avoid using offensive language or making inappropriate gestures that may offend or upset others.


Playing darts is not only about skill and accuracy but also about upholding good sportsmanship and etiquette. By following the dos and don'ts outlined in this article, you can contribute to a positive and enjoyable atmosphere while playing dart games. Remember to treat your opponents with respect, observe proper turn-taking, acknowledge good shots, and congratulate the winner. By practicing proper dart etiquette, you can enhance the overall experience for yourself and those around you, fostering a sense of camaraderie and fair play in the game of darts.

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