Degus, small rodents native to Chile, make delightful and entertaining pets. To ensure the health and happiness of your degu, it's essential to provide proper care, a suitable environment, and enriching activities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various aspects of degu care, offering valuable tips for keeping these small rodents healthy and content in their human homes.

Understanding Degu's Natural Behavior and Needs

Before diving into specific care tips, it's crucial to understand the natural behavior and needs of degus. In the wild, degus live in social groups, are highly active, and have specific dietary and environmental requirements. As pets, they thrive when their natural instincts and behaviors are catered to in a captive setting.

Creating the Ideal Living Environment

1. Spacious Enclosure: Provide a large, multi-level enclosure to accommodate the degu's need for exercise and exploration. Wire cages with solid flooring or glass enclosures are suitable options.

2. Bedding and Nesting Material: Use safe bedding materials such as aspen shavings, paper-based bedding, or hay. Provide nesting material like shredded paper or hay for comfort and enrichment.

3. Proper Ventilation: Ensure good airflow within the enclosure to prevent respiratory issues. Avoid placing the enclosure in drafty areas or direct sunlight.

4. Enrichment and Toys: Offer a variety of toys, tunnels, wheels, and chew items to keep your degu mentally stimulated and physically active.

Nutrition and Diet

1. High-Quality Hay: Fresh hay, such as timothy hay or orchard grass, should make up the majority of your degu's diet. It provides essential fiber for digestion and helps maintain dental health.

2. Fresh Vegetables: Offer a daily mix of fresh vegetables, including leafy greens, bell peppers, carrots, and broccoli, to provide essential vitamins and minerals.

3. Degu-Specific Pellets: Choose high-quality degu pellets to supplement their diet and ensure they receive essential nutrients. Limit the amount of pellets to prevent overconsumption.

4. Fresh Water: Provide clean, fresh water in a sipper bottle at all times to keep your degu hydrated.

5. Limited Treats: Offer occasional treats such as small amounts of fruits or commercial degu treats. Avoid sugary or fatty treats to prevent health issues.

Socialization and Interaction

1. Pair or Group Housing: Degus are social animals and benefit from living in pairs or small groups. If keeping multiple degus, introduce them carefully and monitor their interactions.

2. Gentle Handling: Handle your degu gently and with care, allowing them to become accustomed to human interaction at their own pace. Teach children and family members to handle them softly.

3. Bonding Activities: Engage in bonding activities such as hand-feeding treats, gentle petting, and providing interactive playtime to build trust and strengthen the bond with your degu.

Health and Veterinary Care

1. Regular Health Checks: Monitor your degu's health, including dental health, fur condition, and overall behavior. Look out for signs of illness or discomfort.

2. Veterinary Visits: Schedule regular check-ups with an exotic animal veterinarian experienced in degu care. Address any health concerns promptly.

3. Dental Health: Provide chew toys and monitor your degu's dental health to prevent overgrowth and dental issues.

4. Parasite Prevention: Keep your degu's living environment clean and provide regular parasite prevention treatments as recommended by your veterinarian.


By understanding and meeting the natural needs of degus, providing a suitable living environment, offering a balanced diet, facilitating socialization and interaction, and prioritizing their health and well-being, you can ensure that your degu lives a happy and fulfilling life as a cherished member of your family. Following the tips outlined in this ultimate guide to degu care will help you create a nurturing and enriching environment for your small rodent companion.

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