Emperor scorpions, known for their impressive size and relatively docile nature among scorpion species, make fascinating pets for enthusiasts. These arachnids require specific care to ensure their well-being and longevity in captivity. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with essential tips and advice for keeping your Emperor scorpion happy and healthy.

Understanding Emperor Scorpions

Emperor scorpions (Pandinus imperator) are native to the rainforests of West Africa and are one of the largest species of scorpions kept as pets. Despite their intimidating appearance, Emperor scorpions are generally calm and considered beginner-friendly pets. They have a lifespan of 6-8 years on average but can live longer with proper care.

Housing and Enclosure Setup

1. Enclosure Size: Provide a spacious enclosure that allows your Emperor scorpion to move around comfortably. A 10-gallon terrarium is suitable for one adult scorpion.

2. Substrate: Use a substrate like coconut fiber or peat moss that can hold moisture and allow for burrowing. Ensure a depth of at least 3-4 inches to accommodate their natural behavior.

3. Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a temperature range of 75-85°F (24-29°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night. Keep humidity levels between 70-80% by misting the enclosure regularly.

4. Hiding Places: Provide multiple hiding spots using cork bark, half logs, or clay pots to give your scorpion a sense of security.

5. Lighting: Emperor scorpions are nocturnal and do not require special lighting. Ambient room light is sufficient, but ensure a regular day-night cycle.

6. Water Source: Place a shallow water dish in the enclosure for drinking and humidity. Ensure it is accessible and shallow to prevent drowning.

Feeding and Diet

1. Feeder Insects: Offer a varied diet of live insects like crickets, mealworms, roaches, and superworms. Gut-load insects before feeding to provide essential nutrients.

2. Feeding Schedule: Adults can be fed 2-3 times a week, while juveniles may require more frequent feedings. Adjust based on your scorpion's appetite.

3. Supplementation: Consider dusting feeder insects with calcium powder or providing a calcium supplement to support exoskeleton health.

Handling and Interaction

1. Observation: Emperor scorpions are primarily for observation rather than handling. Watch them from outside the enclosure to avoid stress.

2. Handling Precautions: If handling is necessary, use soft, gentle movements and avoid sudden disturbances. Never grab or squeeze the scorpion.

Health and Maintenance

1. Regular Checks: Monitor your scorpion's behavior, eating habits, and appearance regularly. Any changes could indicate stress or health issues.

2. Cleaning: Spot clean the enclosure regularly and perform a thorough cleaning every few months. Remove uneaten prey items promptly.

3. Veterinary Care: If you notice any signs of illness or injury, consult a vet experienced in exotic pets and arachnids.


By following this complete care guide, you can provide your Emperor scorpion with a comfortable and enriching environment that promotes their well-being. Remember to observe and interact with your scorpion responsibly, ensuring a happy and healthy life for these fascinating arachnids in your care.

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