Pressed flower mobiles and sun catchers are delightful and enchanting decorative pieces that bring the beauty of nature indoors. These DIY projects allow you to showcase your creativity while incorporating the delicate elegance of pressed flowers into your home decor. In this article, we will explore various ideas and step-by-step instructions for creating your own pressed flower mobiles or sun catchers.

Materials Needed

Before diving into the creative process, gather the following materials:

  • Pressed flowers (previously pressed or pressed using a flower pressing method)
  • Clear adhesive film or laminating sheets
  • Embroidery hoop or craft ring
  • Fishing line or thin transparent thread
  • Scissors
  • Beads, crystals, or other decorative elements (optional)
  • Ribbon or twine for hanging (optional)

Step 1: Choosing the Design and Layout

Decide on the design and layout of your pressed flower mobile or sun catcher. Consider the space where you plan to hang it and whether you want it to be symmetrical or more free-flowing. Sketch out your ideas on paper to visualize the final look before proceeding.

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Step 2: Preparing the Pressed Flowers

If you haven't already pressed your flowers, take the time to press them using one of the flower pressing methods mentioned in previous articles. Ensure they are completely dry and flat before moving on to the next steps.

Step 3: Encasing the Pressed Flowers

To protect the delicate pressed flowers and maintain their vibrant colors, encase them in clear adhesive film or laminating sheets. Cut the adhesive film or laminating sheets to the desired size, leaving a small border around each flower. Carefully place the pressed flowers between two layers of adhesive film or laminating sheets, ensuring there are no air bubbles or wrinkles. Trim any excess film or sheets around the edges of the flowers.

Step 4: Creating Hanging Strands

Cut fishing line or thin transparent thread into various lengths, depending on your design preferences. These strands will serve as the framework for hanging the pressed flower encasements. Tie one end of each strand to the embroidery hoop or craft ring, spacing them evenly around the circumference. Leave extra length at the top for attaching the hanging mechanism later.

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Step 5: Attaching the Pressed Flower Encasements

Using small pieces of clear adhesive tape or glue dots, attach the pressed flower encasements to the hanging strands. Experiment with different placements and arrangements to create a visually appealing display. You can hang multiple encasements on each strand or have a single encasement per strand, depending on the size and quantity of your pressed flowers.

Step 6: Embellishing (optional)

If desired, add additional decorative elements like beads, crystals, or small trinkets to the mobile or sun catcher. Thread them onto the hanging strands above or below the pressed flower encasements. This step allows you to personalize your creation and add a touch of sparkle or whimsy to the overall design.

Step 7: Finalizing the Hanging Mechanism

Once you are satisfied with the arrangement of your pressed flower encasements and any added embellishments, it's time to finalize the hanging mechanism. Attach a longer piece of fishing line or ribbon to the top of the embroidery hoop or craft ring, creating a loop for hanging. Ensure the loop is secure and centered.

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Step 8: Hanging and Enjoying Your Creation

Choose the perfect spot to hang your pressed flower mobile or sun catcher. Consider areas with natural light, such as near a window or in a sunny corner of a room. Hang it using a hook or nail and adjust the length of the hanging strands as needed to achieve the desired look. Step back and admire your handiwork as the pressed flowers gently sway and catch the light, adding a touch of whimsy and a burst of natural beauty to your space.


Creating pressed flower mobiles or sun catchers is a delightful DIY project that allows you to showcase the delicate beauty of nature in your home. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can design and craft unique hanging floral displays that serve as captivating decorations and reminders of the wonders of the natural world. So gather your pressed flowers, unleash your creativity, and enjoy the process of bringing the outdoors indoors with your own pressed flower mobile or sun catcher!

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