Publishing and distributing a game is an essential step in bringing your creation to a wider audience. With the advent of digital distribution, developers now have numerous platforms and channels to choose from. In this article, we will explore various platforms and distribution channels available for publishing your game.

1. PC and Console Platforms

PC and console platforms are popular choices for game developers due to their wide reach and established user bases. Here are some key platforms for publishing games:

2. Mobile Platforms

Mobile platforms have grown exponentially in recent years, thanks to the widespread use of smartphones and tablets. Publishing a game on mobile platforms opens up opportunities for a massive user base. Here are some prominent mobile platforms:

3. Web Platforms

Web platforms allow developers to distribute games directly through web browsers, eliminating the need for users to download and install separate applications. This method offers convenience and accessibility. Here are some popular web platforms:

  • HTML5/WebGL : HTML5 and WebGL technologies enable developers to create browser-based games that can be played across different platforms and devices. Hosting games on your own website or utilizing platforms like or Kongregate allows for easy distribution.

  • Facebook Gameroom: Facebook Gameroom is a desktop application that allows users to discover and play games within the Facebook ecosystem. Developers can publish their games on the Gameroom platform, leveraging Facebook's extensive user base.

4. Distribution Channels

Apart from specific platforms, there are various distribution channels that can help reach a broader audience. These channels provide additional visibility and marketing opportunities for your game. Some notable distribution channels include:

5. Self-Publishing

Alternatively, you can choose to self-publish your game by creating your own website, setting up your own online store, or utilizing crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Self-publishing offers more control over the distribution process but requires additional effort in marketing and promotion.


Publishing and distributing your game is a crucial step towards reaching a wider audience and achieving success in the gaming industry. Consider the various platforms, such as PC, consoles, mobile, and web, along with distribution channels like Steam, Epic Games Store, Apple App Store, or GOG, that align with your target audience and goals. Don't forget to leverage marketing tools and engage with the gaming community to maximize visibility for your game. With the right platform and distribution strategy, your game has the potential to captivate players around the world.

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