Guppies are social and peaceful fish that thrive in community aquariums. Their vibrant colors, playful nature, and ease of care make them popular choices for both beginner and experienced aquarists. When creating a community aquarium with guppies, it is essential to choose tankmates that are compatible in terms of water parameters, temperament, and size. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various compatible tankmates for guppies and provide you with exciting community aquarium ideas.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Tankmates

Before selecting tankmates for your guppies, consider the following factors:

1. Water Parameters

  • Optimal water temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
  • pH range: 6.8-7.8
  • Hardness: 8-12 dGH

Choose tankmates that can tolerate similar water parameters to ensure the overall well-being of all species.

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2. Temperament

  • Guppies are generally peaceful but may become stressed or nipped by aggressive tankmates.
  • Avoid fin-nipping species or aggressive fish that may harm the guppies.

3. Size

  • Guppies are small and can be easily intimidated or outcompeted by larger tankmates.
  • Select species that are similar in size to prevent aggression or accidental predation.

Compatible Tankmates for Guppies

Here are some compatible tankmates that can coexist harmoniously with guppies in a community aquarium:

1. Tetras

  • Neon tetras, cardinal tetras, and glowlight tetras are great choices.
  • They are peaceful, colorful, and prefer similar water conditions.

2. Corydoras Catfish

  • Corydoras catfish, such as bronze corydoras or panda corydoras, are bottom-dwelling fish that peacefully coexist with guppies.
  • They help keep the substrate clean and add activity to the lower levels of the tank.

3. Swordtails

  • Swordtails are closely related to guppies and share similar water requirements.
  • They come in various colors and have peaceful temperaments, making them excellent tankmates.

4. Cherry Shrimp

  • Cherry shrimp are popular invertebrates that add color and activity to the tank.
  • They are peaceful and do not pose a threat to guppies or their fry.

5. Gouramis

  • Dwarf gouramis, such as the honey gourami or sparkling gourami, can coexist peacefully with guppies.
  • Ensure there is enough space and hiding spots for both species.

6. Mollies

  • Mollies are hardy fish that thrive in similar water conditions to guppies.
  • They are available in various colors and have a peaceful temperament.

7. Harlequin Rasboras

  • Harlequin rasboras are peaceful schooling fish that add movement and color to the tank.
  • They prefer similar water conditions and make great companions for guppies.

8. Snails

  • Nerite snails or mystery snails are excellent additions to a guppy community aquarium.
  • They help clean algae and contribute to the overall ecosystem balance.

Community Aquarium Ideas

Here are some community aquarium ideas featuring guppies and their compatible tankmates:

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1. Guppy Paradise

  • Create a stunning display of guppies with different colors and tail patterns.
  • Add neon tetras, cherry shrimp, and nerite snails for a vibrant and diverse community.

2. Asian-inspired Serenity

  • Combine guppies with dwarf gouramis, harlequin rasboras, and panda corydoras.
  • Decorate the tank with live plants, driftwood, and smooth stones to create an Asian-inspired aquascape.

3. Colorful Delights

  • Mix guppies, swordtails, and mollies in a lively community.
  • Enhance the color palette with live plants, vibrant gravel, and carefully selected decorations.

4. Mini Amazon Biotope

  • Pair guppies with cardinal tetras, corydoras catfish, and a centerpiece of Amazon sword plants.
  • Mimic the natural environment of the Amazon River with driftwood, leaf litter, and soft lighting.


Creating a harmonious community aquarium with guppies involves careful consideration of compatible tankmates based on factors such as water parameters, temperament, and size. By selecting species that share similar requirements and have peaceful temperaments, you can create a visually stunning and thriving aquarium ecosystem. Whether you opt for a guppy paradise, an Asian-inspired serenity tank, or any other community aquarium idea, remember to provide adequate space, hiding spots, and a well-maintained environment for all inhabitants. Enjoy the beauty and joy of observing a vibrant array of species coexisting peacefully in your guppy community aquarium.

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