Engraving and etching are two techniques used in metalworking to create intricate and detailed designs on a variety of metals. These techniques have been used for centuries to create unique pieces of art and jewelry. In this article, we will explore the differences between engraving and etching and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use these techniques to create your own metal designs.

Engraving vs. Etching

Engraving and etching are both methods of cutting into metal to create a design. However, there are some important differences between the two techniques.


Engraving is a technique that involves using a sharp tool, called a burin, to cut into the metal. The burin is held at an angle and pushed into the metal to create a groove. The depth and width of the groove can be controlled by the pressure applied to the burin. Engraving produces clean, sharp lines and is often used to create text or intricate designs.

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Etching is a chemical process that involves applying an acid or other corrosive substance to the metal. The acid eats away at the metal, leaving behind a design. The design is created by covering the metal with a resist, such as wax or a special etching varnish, and then removing the resist in the areas where the design is desired. Etching produces more organic, flowing lines and can be used to create more complex designs.

Tools and Materials

To begin engraving or etching, you will need the following tools and materials:

Engraving Technique

Step 1: Sketch your design

Begin by sketching your design onto the metal with a pencil or marker. This will serve as a guide for the engraving.

Step 2: Secure the metal

Secure the metal in a vise or clamp to prevent it from moving while you work.

Step 3: Begin engraving

Hold the burin at an angle and push into the metal to create the groove. Move the burin in a fluid motion to create smooth lines. Use different shaped burins to create different effects.

Step 4: Clean the metal

After engraving, clean the metal with a polishing cloth to remove any debris or dust.

Etching Technique

Step 1: Apply the resist

Apply the etching resist to the metal using a brush or roller. Make sure the resist covers all areas that you do not want to be etched.

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Step 2: Draw your design

Use a sharp tool, such as a needle or pin, to draw your design onto the resist. Make sure to remove the resist down to the metal in the areas where you want the design to appear.

Step 3: Etch the metal

Place the metal into the acid solution and agitate it to ensure even etching. The length of time required for etching will depend on the strength of the acid and the depth of the desired etch.

Step 4: Remove the resist

After etching, remove the resist using a solvent or by scraping it off with a tool. Clean the metal with a polishing cloth to remove any debris or dust.


Engraving and etching are two techniques that can be used to create beautiful and intricate designs on metal. Both techniques require practice and patience, but the results can be stunning. Whether you prefer the sharp lines of engraving or the organic flow of etching, these techniques can help you create unique pieces of art and jewelry. Remember to prioritize safety and take your time to refine your skills. So, unleash your creativity, try out engraving and etching, and add intricate and personalized designs to your metalwork!

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