Training your Norfolk Terrier is an essential part of ensuring they become well-behaved, obedient, and enjoyable companions. These intelligent and energetic dogs thrive when provided with consistent training and positive reinforcement. In this guide, we will explore various commands and techniques that can help you effectively train your Norfolk Terrier for obedience.

Establishing a Training Foundation

Start Early

Begin training your Norfolk Terrier puppy as soon as you bring them home. Puppies have a natural curiosity and eagerness to learn, making it the perfect time to establish a solid training foundation.

Positive Reinforcement

Utilize positive reinforcement techniques by rewarding your Norfolk Terrier with treats, praise, or play for exhibiting desirable behaviors. This approach encourages them to associate obedience with positive outcomes, making training more enjoyable for both of you.

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Consistency is key in training any dog, including Norfolk Terriers. Use the same commands and reward system consistently, so your dog can easily understand and respond to your expectations.

Essential Commands for Obedience


Teaching your Norfolk Terrier to sit is one of the fundamental commands. Hold a treat close to their nose, then slowly move it upwards and towards their back. As their head follows the treat, their bottom should naturally lower into a sitting position. Once they are seated, say "sit" and reward them with the treat and praise. Repeat this command consistently until they respond reliably to the verbal cue.


The "stay" command is crucial for keeping your Norfolk Terrier in place until you give them permission to move. Start by having your dog sit, then extend your hand, palm facing them, and say "stay." Take a step back and reward them for staying put. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay, always rewarding and praising them for successfully following the command.


The "come" command ensures your Norfolk Terrier returns to you when called, promoting their safety and control. Begin in a controlled environment with no distractions. Crouch down, open your arms, and use an enthusiastic tone to say "come." Once they reach you, reward them with treats, praise, and affection. Practice this command in various locations with increasing levels of distraction to reinforce their response in any situation.


Teaching your Norfolk Terrier to walk calmly beside you on a loose leash is important for enjoyable walks. Start by rewarding them for walking by your side using treats or verbal praise. Use the command "heel" consistently while walking and stop moving if they start pulling. Reward them when they return to your side. Over time, they will associate walking beside you with positive reinforcements.

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Leave It

The "leave it" command teaches your Norfolk Terrier to avoid picking up or approaching undesirable objects. Hold a treat in your closed hand and say "leave it." When your dog stops trying to get the treat, reward them with a different treat or praise. Gradually introduce more tempting objects and practice the command until they respond reliably.

Training Tips and Techniques

Short Sessions

Keep training sessions short and frequent to maintain your Norfolk Terrier's interest and focus. Aim for multiple 5-10 minute sessions throughout the day rather than one long session.

Use Rewards Strategically

Vary the rewards you use during training, including treats, verbal praise, playtime, or a combination. This keeps your Norfolk Terrier engaged and motivated to learn.

Patience and Persistence

Training takes time and patience. Be persistent and consistent in your efforts, and remember that every dog learns at their own pace. Celebrate small victories and gradually increase difficulty as your Norfolk Terrier progresses.

Avoid Harsh Punishments

Avoid using harsh punishments or physical corrections during training, as it can damage the trust and bond between you and your Norfolk Terrier. Positive reinforcement is more effective and helps build a stronger relationship.

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Professional Training

Enrolling your Norfolk Terrier in professional obedience classes or hiring a certified dog trainer can be beneficial, especially if you encounter difficulties or want to advance their training further. Trainers can provide expert guidance, address specific challenges, and offer personalized advice for your Norfolk Terrier's needs.


Training your Norfolk Terrier for obedience enhances their safety, overall behavior, and the bond between you. By establishing a solid training foundation, practicing essential commands consistently, and utilizing positive reinforcement techniques, you can shape your Norfolk Terrier into a well-mannered and obedient companion. Remember to be patient, persistent, and always prioritize a positive and enjoyable training experience for both you and your furry friend.

Note: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not replace professional guidance from a certified dog trainer. If you have specific concerns about training your Norfolk Terrier, consult with a qualified professional for personalized assistance.

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