When it comes to navigating turns and corners on your rollerblades, proper technique and skill are essential for maintaining control and achieving smooth maneuvering. Whether you're rollerblading for recreation or participating in competitive races, mastering the art of cornering will enhance your overall performance. In this article, we will explore techniques and tips that will help you navigate turns and corners with ease.

Body Positioning and Balance

Maintaining the correct body positioning and balance is crucial when approaching a turn or corner. Here are some key factors to consider:

By maintaining proper body positioning and balance, you'll be able to initiate and execute turns and corners more effectively.

Techniques for Turning

There are several techniques you can employ to navigate turns smoothly and efficiently. Here are three common turning techniques used in rollerblading:

  1. Parallel Turn: The parallel turn is suitable for wide turns or gradual curves. Begin by shifting your weight slightly onto the leg that will guide the turn (inside leg). Push off with the opposite leg (outside leg), initiating the turn. As you transfer your weight onto the inside leg, bring the outside leg closer to the inside leg, creating a parallel position. Glide smoothly through the turn, maintaining balance and control.

  2. Crossover Turn: The crossover turn is ideal for sharper turns and corners. Start by bending your knees and shifting your weight onto the inside leg. As you approach the turn, cross your outside leg over the inside leg, creating a "crossover" position. This movement helps generate more power and stability during the turn. As you exit the turn, uncross your legs and regain a parallel position.

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  3. Power Slide: The power slide is an advanced turning technique used for quick stops or tight turns. Begin by shifting your weight onto one leg (inside leg) and slightly lifting the other leg (outside leg) off the ground. Initiate the turn by twisting your hips and upper body in the direction you want to go. Drag the wheels of the outside leg perpendicular to your turning path, creating friction and sliding motion. This technique requires practice to maintain control and prevent excessive sliding.

Experiment with these techniques and find the ones that work best for you based on the type of turn or corner you're navigating.

Tips for Smooth Maneuvering

In addition to the techniques mentioned above, here are some additional tips that will help you achieve smoother maneuvering while navigating turns and corners:

  1. Practice Proper Weight Shifting: Shift your weight gradually and smoothly from one leg to another as you initiate and complete the turn. Avoid sudden weight transfers, as they can disrupt your balance and control.

  2. Maintain Consistent Speed: Maintain a steady speed throughout the turn or corner. Sharp deceleration or acceleration mid-turn can lead to loss of balance and stability.

  3. Use Your Arms for Balance: Extend your arms slightly outward, away from your body, as you navigate turns and corners. This action helps counterbalance your body and aids in maintaining stability.

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  4. Choose the Right Line: Assess the radius and angle of the turn, then choose the line that allows for the smoothest arc. Wide, sweeping turns generally require a wider entry and exit line, whereas tight corners necessitate a tighter line.

  5. Gradually Increase Difficulty: Start with wide turns and gradually progress to sharper corners as your skills improve. This gradual progression will allow you to build confidence and control while minimizing the risk of falls or accidents.

Remember, practice is key when it comes to mastering turns and corners. Find open spaces, such as empty parking lots or smooth pathways, where you can safely practice and refine your technique.


Navigating turns and corners smoothly is an essential skill for rollerbladers of all levels. By practicing proper body positioning, balance, and employing the appropriate techniques, you'll be able to execute turns with precision and control. Remember to always prioritize safety by wearing protective gear and being aware of your surroundings. With dedication and practice, you'll soon be gliding through turns and corners with grace and confidence.

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