The Rubik's Cube is a puzzle that has challenged and entertained people for decades. From speedcubing competitions to personal solving records, enthusiasts are constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with this iconic 3D puzzle. One such boundary is solving the Rubik's Cube with your feet, adding an extra layer of complexity and uniqueness to the challenge. In this article, we will explore the world of solving the Rubik's Cube with feet and the techniques involved in conquering this extraordinary feat.

The Origins of Feet Solving

Solving the Rubik's Cube with feet is a relatively recent development in the world of cubing. While the exact origins of this variant are difficult to trace, it gained popularity through YouTube videos and social media platforms where cubers showcased their skills and strategies. What started as a fun experiment quickly evolved into a competitive category within the cubing community.

Techniques and Strategies

Solving the Rubik's Cube with feet requires adaptation and innovation in solving techniques due to the limitations of foot dexterity compared to hand movements. Here are some key techniques used by feet solvers:

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Foot Fingertricks

Foot fingertricks refer to the specific movements and rotations made by the feet to execute algorithms efficiently. Just like hand fingertricks, which are the quick and precise movements of fingers during a solve, foot fingertricks require careful coordination and control. Feet solvers develop their own techniques to optimize efficiency and minimize time spent on each move.

Toe Turning

Toe turning is a crucial skill for solving the Rubik's Cube with feet. By using the toes to rotate the cube's layers, solvers can manipulate the cube just as they would with their hands. This technique requires flexibility and practice to achieve smooth and accurate turns. Toe turning can be challenging at first but becomes more natural with time and experience.

Algorithm Adaptation

To solve the Rubik's Cube with feet, solvers often modify their algorithms to accommodate foot movements. Some algorithms may be difficult or impossible to execute solely with the feet, so solvers come up with alternative algorithms that are better suited for this variant. This adaptation process involves finding algorithms that can be comfortably executed using toe rotations and optimizing them for efficiency.

Spatial Awareness

Developing strong spatial awareness is crucial when solving the Rubik's Cube with feet. Without being able to see all sides of the cube simultaneously, solvers need to rely on mental visualization and memory. By understanding the cube's structure and internal relationships, feet solvers can anticipate the effects of each move and plan their algorithms accordingly.

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Training and Practice

Solving the Rubik's Cube with feet requires dedicated training and practice to develop the necessary skills and techniques. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Foot Dexterity Exercises

Improving foot dexterity is essential for successful feet solving. Regularly practicing exercises that focus on toe control and flexibility can greatly enhance your abilities. Simple exercises like picking up objects with your toes or playing games that involve foot coordination can gradually improve your foot dexterity over time.

Slow Solve Practice

When starting out, it is beneficial to solve the Rubik's Cube with feet at a slower pace. This allows you to focus on accuracy and proper execution of moves. As you become more comfortable and confident, gradually increase your speed while maintaining control and precision.

Algorithm Memorization

Just like hand solving, memorizing algorithms is crucial for efficient solving with feet. Spend time practicing algorithm memorization and reinforce it through repetition. Visualize the cube in your mind and mentally simulate the moves using your toes. This helps build muscle memory and enhances your ability to execute algorithms smoothly.

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Record and Analyze

Record your feet-solving sessions and analyze them afterward to identify areas for improvement. Pay attention to your foot movements, execution speed, and algorithm efficiency. By closely examining your solves, you can pinpoint weaknesses and work on specific aspects of your technique.

Feet Solving Competitions

Feet solving has gained enough popularity within the cubing community to warrant its own category in competitions. These events provide a platform for feet solvers to showcase their skills and compete against others who have mastered this unique challenge. Participating in feet solving competitions can be a fun and rewarding experience, allowing you to interact with fellow cubers and gauge your progress.


Solving the Rubik's Cube with feet adds an extra layer of complexity and uniqueness to the already fascinating world of cubing. It requires adaptations in technique, practice in foot dexterity, and strong spatial awareness. As you embark on this extraordinary feat, remember to enjoy the process and appreciate the creativity and innovation that feet solvers bring to the Rubik's Cube community.

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