Encountering a rounded-off nut slot can pose a frustrating challenge when trying to remove a nut from a bolt. Whether due to excessive force, worn-out tools, or corroded nuts, a rounded-off nut slot makes it difficult to grip the nut with conventional tools. However, there are effective techniques that can be employed to successfully remove rounded-off nut slots. In this article, we will explore various methods and provide step-by-step instructions on how to remove rounded-off nut slots, ensuring successful removal without causing further damage.

Method 1: Using Pliers or Vice Grips

One of the simplest methods for removing a rounded-off nut slot is by using pliers or vice grips. Here's how:

  1. Select Proper-Sized Pliers: Choose pliers or vice grips that are appropriate for the size of the nut.
  2. Adjust Grip: Adjust the pliers or vice grips to tightly fit around the rounded edges of the nut, ensuring a strong grip.
  3. Apply Force: Apply firm pressure to turn the nut counterclockwise. If needed, use additional tools such as a wrench or an extension pipe for added leverage.
  4. Rotate Gradually: Rotate the pliers or vice grips gradually, maintaining a steady grip on the nut. Avoid sudden jerks or excessive force, as this may further damage the nut or bolt.

Method 2: Using a Nut Extractor Set

When the rounded-off nut slot proves challenging to remove with traditional tools, a nut extractor set can come to the rescue. Follow these steps:

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  1. Select the Appropriate Extractor: Choose an extractor size that matches the diameter of the rounded-off nut slot.
  2. Drill Pilot Hole: Drill a pilot hole into the center of the rounded-off nut using a drill bit slightly smaller than the extractor size.
  3. Insert Extractor: Insert the extractor into the pilot hole, ensuring a tight fit.
  4. Turn Counter-Clockwise: Using a wrench or socket that fits the extractor, turn it counter-clockwise to remove the rounded-off nut. Apply steady and consistent force while turning.

Method 3: Splitting the Nut

Splitting the rounded-off nut is another effective technique for removal. Here's how:

  1. Make a Cut: Use a cutting tool such as a hacksaw or reciprocating saw to make a vertical cut in the nut.
  2. Create a Groove: Make a second cut perpendicular to the first, creating a groove that partially splits the nut.
  3. Loosen the Nut: Insert a chisel or flathead screwdriver into the groove and strike it with a hammer to create enough pressure to loosen the nut.
  4. Turn Counter-Clockwise: Once loosened, use pliers, vice grips, or a wrench to turn the nut counterclockwise and remove it from the bolt.

Method 4: Applying Heat

Applying heat can help loosen a rounded-off nut by expanding the metal slightly. Follow these steps:

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  1. Heat the Nut: Use a propane torch or heat gun to apply heat directly to the rounded-off nut, focusing on the area surrounding the nut slot.
  2. Allow Cooling Time: After heating, allow the nut to cool down for a few minutes. This temperature fluctuation may help loosen the nut from the bolt.
  3. Apply Force: Use pliers, vice grips, or a wrench to turn the nut counterclockwise while applying steady force. If needed, enlist additional leverage tools to aid in removal.
  4. Repeat Process if Necessary: If the nut remains stuck, repeat the process of applying heat and cooling before attempting to remove it again.


Removing a rounded-off nut slot can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques and tools, it is achievable. Whether using pliers or vice grips, a nut extractor set, splitting the nut, or applying heat, each method has its own advantages in specific situations. Remember to exercise caution and ensure proper safety measures while performing these procedures. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this article, you will increase your chances of successfully removing rounded-off nut slots without causing further damage to the bolt or surrounding components.

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