Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) is not only a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise, but it also offers endless opportunities for fun and games. For children, SUP can be transformed into an exciting playground that combines physical activity with the joy of playing on water. To make their experience even more engaging, incorporating games into paddleboarding can be a great idea. Here are five fun stand-up paddleboarding games designed specifically for kids, promising laughter, excitement, and a whole lot of splashes.

1. Paddleboard Tag

How to Play:

Paddleboard tag takes the classic game of tag and brings it onto the water. One child is designated as "it" and must try to tag another player by gently touching their board with their hand. Once tagged, that player becomes "it." The game challenges kids to maneuver their paddleboards quickly and strategically to avoid being tagged.

Skills Developed:

  • Balance: Dodging and weaving develop core strength and balance.
  • Quick Thinking: Players must think on their feet (or their boards!) to evade being tagged.
  • Coordination: Effective paddle use requires coordination between hands and eyes.

2. Paddleboard Relay Races

How to Play:

In this competitive game, children form teams and race against each other in a relay format. Set up a simple course using buoys or markers, with each team member needing to paddle around the course before tagging the next team member. The first team to have all members complete the course wins.

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Skills Developed:

  • Endurance: This game tests and builds paddling stamina.
  • Teamwork: Success relies on working well as a team and cheering each other on.
  • Speed and Agility: Quick turns and fast paddling are key to winning the race.

3. Paddleboard Limbo

How to Play:

Just like the traditional limbo game, but on water. Use a floating line or a soft oar held by two adults parallel to the water surface. Children take turns trying to paddle under the bar without falling off their board. After each round, lower the bar slightly to increase the challenge.

Skills Developed:

  • Flexibility and Balance: Bending backward while maintaining balance on the board.
  • Focus: Concentrating on both the bar and maintaining stability on the board.
  • Coordination: Adjusting body position and paddle strokes to glide under the bar successfully.

4. Treasure Hunt

How to Play:

Before the kids get on their paddleboards, hide waterproof "treasures" around a designated area in shallow water -- these could be floating toys, dive rings, or specially marked stones. Give each participant a net or a small bucket attached to their board. The goal is to find and collect as many treasures as possible within a set time limit.

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Skills Developed:

  • Exploration: Encourages kids to explore their surroundings attentively.
  • Strategy: Planning the most efficient route to collect treasures.
  • Stability: Maintaining balance while leaning over to collect items helps improve core strength.

5. Duck, Duck, Splash

How to Play:

A watery twist on "Duck, Duck, Goose," this game involves children sitting on their boards in a circle. The person who is "it" paddles around the outside of the circle, tapping each player's head saying "duck." When they choose someone and say "splash," that person must jump into the water, climb back onto their board, and try to catch the person who is "it" before they can take their spot in the circle.

Skills Developed:

  • Agility: Quick movements in jumping off and climbing back on the board.
  • Swimming Skills: An excellent opportunity for kids to practice swimming.
  • Laugh and Fun: A guaranteed way to elicit giggles and make paddleboarding enjoyable.


Integrating games into stand-up paddleboarding not only amplifies the fun but also significantly enhances various physical skills among children, including balance, coordination, and agility. These games encourage outdoor activity, nurture a spirit of adventure, and foster social interaction among young paddlers. Most importantly, they create memorable experiences filled with joy and laughter, instilling a lifelong love for paddleboarding and the great outdoors. Always remember to prioritize safety by ensuring all children wear life vests and are supervised by adults during these activities.

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