Virtual Reality (VR) gaming offers an immersive and thrilling experience, transporting players to virtual worlds like never before. However, some individuals may experience discomfort or motion sickness while using VR headsets. Understanding the causes of motion sickness in VR and implementing strategies to minimize its effects can help ensure a comfortable and enjoyable gaming session. In this article, we will provide tips to avoid motion sickness in VR gaming.

What Causes Motion Sickness in VR?

Motion sickness in VR is caused by a discrepancy between what the eyes see and what the body feels. When you are immersed in a VR game, your visual system perceives movement as you explore virtual environments, while your inner ear and body senses do not detect corresponding physical motion. This sensory mismatch can lead to feelings of nausea, dizziness, and general discomfort.

Tips to Avoid Motion Sickness in VR Gaming

1. Start with Comfortable Experiences

If you are new to VR gaming or prone to motion sickness, it is essential to start with experiences that are known to be comfortable. Look for games or apps that have been designed specifically to minimize motion sickness symptoms. These experiences typically involve less intense movements, slower pacing, and limited artificial locomotion.

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2. Gradually Increase Exposure

To build tolerance and reduce the likelihood of experiencing motion sickness, gradually increase your exposure to VR gaming over time. Begin with shorter gaming sessions and slowly extend the duration as you become more comfortable. This gradual progression allows your body to adapt and adjust to the unique sensations of VR.

3. Take Frequent Breaks

Taking regular breaks during VR gaming sessions is crucial to prevent motion sickness. Continuous exposure to virtual environments without breaks can increase the risk of discomfort. Aim for short breaks every 15 to 20 minutes to give your body and mind a chance to rest and recalibrate.

4. Optimize VR Setup

Properly setting up your VR system can contribute to a more comfortable experience. Ensure that the headset is correctly calibrated, positioned correctly on your head, and adjusted for optimal clarity and comfort. Adjusting the interpupillary distance (IPD) settings according to your eyes' spacing can also help reduce eye strain and potential discomfort.

5. Limit Artificial Locomotion

Artificial locomotion, such as smooth camera movement or fast-paced character motions, can induce motion sickness in some individuals. When selecting VR games, choose those with limited artificial locomotion or options to customize movement settings. Games that offer teleportation or snap-turning mechanics instead of continuous smooth movement are often better tolerated by those prone to motion sickness.

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6. Focus on a Fixed Point

During gameplay, try to focus on a fixed point or object within the virtual environment. This technique can provide a stable reference point for your visual system, reducing the sensory conflict that contributes to motion sickness. If possible, avoid constantly looking around rapidly or excessively focusing on moving objects.

7. Use Natural Body Movements

Engaging in natural body movements while playing VR games can help reduce motion sickness symptoms. Instead of relying solely on thumbstick or controller-based movement, incorporate physical movements like walking in place or turning your body when appropriate. These actions provide additional sensory input to align your visual and physical perceptions.

8. Minimize Latency and Lag

Reducing latency and lag in your VR setup is crucial for a smoother and more comfortable gaming experience. Higher latency between your movements and the corresponding visuals can exacerbate motion sickness symptoms. Ensure that your hardware meets the recommended specifications for the VR games you play, optimize graphics settings, and keep your system's drivers up to date.

9. Manage Sensory Conflicts

If you start feeling motion sickness symptoms, try to manage sensory conflicts by closing your eyes, taking deep breaths, or removing the VR headset temporarily. These actions can help reset your senses and reduce discomfort. If needed, return to gaming gradually after the symptoms subside.

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10. Experiment with Different VR Games and Genres

Not all VR games have the same impact on motion sickness. Some individuals may find certain genres or game mechanics more tolerable than others. Experiment with a variety of VR games to find what works best for you. Games that involve stationary experiences or cockpit-based simulations tend to be less likely to induce motion sickness compared to fast-paced action games or free-roaming adventures.


Motion sickness is a common concern for some individuals when engaging in VR gaming. By understanding the causes and implementing strategies to minimize its effects, you can enjoy comfortable and nausea-free VR experiences. Start with comfortable experiences, take regular breaks, optimize your setup, and gradually increase exposure to build tolerance. Focus on fixed points, incorporate natural body movements, and manage sensory conflicts when necessary. With these tips in mind, you can fully immerse yourself in the exciting virtual worlds of VR gaming without the discomfort of motion sickness.

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