Volleyball is a fantastic sport for kids to learn teamwork, coordination, and physical fitness. Introducing volleyball drills at an early age can help children develop fundamental skills while keeping the learning process enjoyable. In this article, we'll explore five fun and easy volleyball drills tailored specifically for kids under 10. These drills are designed to be engaging, skill-building, and suitable for young players who are just beginning their volleyball journey.

1. Balloon Volleyball

Balloon volleyball is an excellent introductory drill for young kids as it helps them get familiar with the concept of hitting and volleying without the intimidation of a traditional volleyball. To set up this drill, simply divide the kids into two teams and use a piece of yarn or a low net to create a "volleyball court." The players then use their hands to bat the balloon back and forth over the "net," scoring points whenever the balloon touches the ground on the opposing team's side. This drill helps kids develop hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and basic volleyball movements in a lighthearted and enjoyable manner.

2. Target Serving

Target serving is a simple yet effective drill that focuses on teaching kids the basics of serving while improving their accuracy. Set up targets on the opposite side of the net using hula hoops, cones, or any other markers. Each child takes turns serving the ball, aiming to land it within the designated target area. This drill not only hones serving skills but also encourages friendly competition and precision, making it an engaging and rewarding experience for young players.

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3. Pass and Move

Pass and move is a dynamic drill that emphasizes both passing technique and movement on the court. Divide the kids into pairs and have them stand facing each other, a short distance apart. One child initiates the drill by passing the ball to their partner using an underhand pass. After passing the ball, they quickly move to a new position, ready to receive the return pass. This drill helps kids practice accurate passing while enhancing their footwork and agility, preparing them for more advanced gameplay scenarios.

4. Around the World Hitting Drill

The around the world hitting drill is a delightful way to introduce hitting and spiking to young volleyball enthusiasts. Create a circular pattern using markers on the ground to represent different hitting zones. The kids take turns hitting the ball from the center of the circle towards each designated zone, aiming to land the ball accurately within the boundaries. This drill not only cultivates hitting skills but also encourages spatial awareness, control, and strategic placement, all while fostering a sense of accomplishment as the kids successfully navigate the "world" of hitting targets.

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5. Partner Pepper

Partner pepper is a classic volleyball drill adapted for young kids to practice ball control and teamwork. Pair the kids up and have them stand a comfortable distance apart. They then proceed to volley the ball back and forth using closed fists, ensuring that it stays in the air without touching the ground. Partner pepper promotes coordination, communication, and cooperation between teammates, laying the groundwork for effective collaboration on the volleyball court.


Introducing kids to volleyball through fun and easy drills not only ignites their passion for the sport but also instills essential skills and values that extend beyond the game. By incorporating these five engaging drills into training sessions for kids under 10, coaches and parents can provide a supportive and enjoyable environment for young players to develop their volleyball abilities while fostering a love for the sport. Through these drills, kids can hone their fundamental skills, build confidence, and embrace the camaraderie that comes with being part of a volleyball team. So, grab a ball, gather the kids, and let the fun-filled journey of volleyball discovery begin!

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