Basketball is a sport that captivates with its dynamic pace, breathtaking athleticism, and the sheer joy of watching a well-executed play culminate in a score. For beginners, the journey towards becoming proficient can seem daunting, especially in the art of shooting and scoring. However, through focused training and consistent practice, these skills can be developed effectively. Below are seven foundational drills designed to improve your shooting and scoring abilities, setting you on the path to basketball success.

1. Form Shooting


To develop proper shooting mechanics and ensure consistency in your shot.

How to Execute:

  • Stand close to the basket, within the key area.
  • Focus on using correct form: elbow under the ball, shooting hand facing the hoop, and guide hand on the side of the ball.
  • Shoot the ball using only your shooting hand to reinforce proper wrist and finger action.
  • Make 50 shots daily from various angles inside the key to build muscle memory.

2. Spot Shooting


To improve shooting accuracy from different positions on the court.

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How to Execute:

  • Select five spots around the court from which to shoot. Common spots include the corners, wings, and top of the key.
  • From each spot, take 10 shots, focusing on maintaining good form.
  • Move to the next spot after completing all shots, aiming to make at least 70% of your attempts.
  • As you progress, increase the distance from the hoop or add a defender to simulate game conditions.

3. Free Throws


To enhance accuracy and confidence in free-throw shooting.

How to Execute:

  • Align your feet correctly with the free-throw line, using the footwork that feels most natural and balanced.
  • Practice your routine consistently before every shot to develop rhythm.
  • Focus on the target (back of the rim) and maintain good form while shooting.
  • Aim to make at least 20 consecutive free throws during your practice sessions.

4. Catch and Shoot


To improve shooting off the pass, simulating game-like conditions.

How to Execute:

  • Work with a partner who will pass the ball to you.
  • Start by moving without the ball to get open for the pass.
  • Catch the pass, square up to the basket quickly, and shoot using proper form.
  • Repeat this drill from various distances and angles to become proficient at shooting from anywhere on the court.

5. Dribble Pull-Ups


To master shooting off the dribble, a crucial skill for scoring in games.

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How to Execute:

  • Start at the top of the key, dribble towards one of the elbows.
  • Perform a quick stop and pull up for a jump shot.
  • Focus on maintaining balance and control during the stop and shot.
  • Practice going both directions and using crossover moves to simulate real-game scenarios.

6. One-on-One Play


To develop scoring techniques against defensive pressure.

How to Execute:

  • Engage in one-on-one games with a defender.
  • Focus on using dribble moves to create space for your shot.
  • Experiment with various scoring moves, such as step-backs, floaters, and up-and-under moves.
  • The goal is not just to make shots but to understand how to read the defender and choose the best move accordingly.

7. Three-Point Shooting


To increase range and accuracy from beyond the three-point line.

How to Execute:

  • Begin just behind the three-point line, focusing on using legs and core for additional power without altering your shooting form.
  • Take a series of shots from around the arc, concentrating on maintaining form even as fatigue sets in.
  • As proficiency improves, increase volume and experiment with catch-and-shoot as well as off-the-dribble three-pointers.


Mastering shooting and scoring in basketball requires dedication, practice, and a focus on fundamentals. By incorporating these seven drills into your training regimen, you'll develop the skills needed to become a more effective scorer on the court. Remember, the key to improvement is not just repetition, but practicing with intent and attention to detail. Keep pushing your limits, and enjoy the process of becoming the best player you can be.

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