Basketball is a sport that requires a combination of technical skill, physical fitness, and mental toughness. As a beginner, developing these skills can seem daunting, but with the right guidance and training drills, you can go from rookie to rockstar in no time. In this article, we will explore 10 advanced basketball training drills for beginners.

1. Three-Man Weave

The three-man weave is an excellent drill that improves passing, ball handling, and communication skills. It involves three players running up and down the court while passing the ball between them. The objective is to complete the drill as quickly and accurately as possible, without dropping the ball or making mistakes.

2. Dribble Tag

Dribble tag is a fun and effective drill that helps beginners improve their dribbling skills while also improving their reaction time and agility. The drill involves one player being "it" and trying to tag other players while they dribble the ball. The other players must keep their dribble while avoiding being tagged.

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3. Closeout Drill

The closeout drill is an essential defensive drill that helps beginners improve their footwork, positioning, and defensive skills. It involves one player starting with the ball and attempting to score while another player defends them. The defending player must close out on the offensive player and contest the shot without fouling.

4. Partner Passing

Partner passing is a simple yet effective drill that helps beginners improve their passing accuracy, speed, and communication skills. It involves two players passing the ball back and forth to each other, focusing on maintaining a good tempo and accuracy.

5. Chair Drill

The chair drill is an excellent drill for improving shooting accuracy, form, and consistency. It involves setting up chairs at different spots on the court, and then shooting from each chair. The objective is to make a certain number of shots from each spot while maintaining proper shooting form.

6. Two Ball Dribbling

Two ball dribbling is a challenging yet rewarding drill that helps beginners improve their ball handling skills. It involves dribbling two basketballs simultaneously, focusing on maintaining control and speed while changing directions and pace.

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7. 1-on-1 Drill

The 1-on-1 drill is a classic basketball drill that helps beginners improve their offensive and defensive skills. It involves two players facing off against each other, with one playing offense and the other playing defense. The objective is to score as many points as possible while also defending the opposing player.

8. Cut Throat Drill

The cutthroat drill is a competitive and intense drill that helps beginners improve their shooting accuracy, defensive skills, and mental toughness. It involves three players competing against each other, with two players on defense and one player on offense. The objective is for the offensive player to score as many points as possible while the other two players try to prevent them from doing so.

9. Suicides

Suicides are a classic conditioning drill that helps beginners improve their endurance, speed, and agility. It involves running back and forth between baseline and free throw line, baseline and half court, and baseline and opposite free throw line, touching the line at each end before returning to the starting point.

10. Rebound and Outlet Pass Drill

The rebound and outlet pass drill is an excellent drill for improving rebounding, passing, and fast break skills. It involves one player taking a shot, and then another player attempting to grab the rebound and quickly pass it to a teammate for a fast break opportunity.

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In conclusion, basketball training drills are essential for beginners to develop their technical skill, physical fitness, and mental toughness. These ten advanced basketball training drills provide a solid foundation for beginners to build upon, leading them from rookie to rockstar in no time. So, embrace the challenge, put in the hard work, and watch your basketball skills soar.

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