Art journaling, an eclectic and deeply personal creative practice, offers a boundless playground for exploration and expression. By combining various artistic disciplines---such as painting, drawing, collage, and writing---into a single journal, it fosters an environment where creativity knows no bounds. This fusion of mixed media not only enhances the visual appeal of your journal pages but also deepens the process of self-expression and discovery. Whether you're new to art journaling or looking to inject more vibrancy into your existing practice, here are five how-to tips to guide you in creating a rich tapestry of mixed media artistry.

1. Liberate Your Materials

The foundation of mixed media art journaling lies in its very name: mixing media. This approach encourages the use of diverse materials, some of which might not traditionally be associated with fine art. From acrylics, watercolors, and inks to magazine clippings, fabric scraps, and found objects, the possibilities are endless.


  • Begin by gathering a variety of materials that inspire you. Don't limit yourself to conventional art supplies; explore household items, nature, and recycled materials.
  • Experiment with different combinations on a test page. See how watercolor interacts with ink or how photographs look when overlaid with translucent layers of paint. This experimentation can lead to surprising and delightful results.

2. Embrace Layering

Layering is a cornerstone technique in mixed media art journaling. It involves building up your page gradually with different materials and mediums, each layer adding depth, texture, and complexity.

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  • Start with a light background layer. This could be a wash of watercolor or a thin layer of gesso to create a blank canvas.
  • Add visual interest with stamps, stencils, or freehand drawings using pens, pencils, or markers.
  • Introduce tactile elements like fabric, lace, or textured paper.
  • Consider finishing with finer details or text, using pens or thin brushes for precision work.

3. Incorporate Words and Text

Blending visuals with words adds another dimension to your art journal, making it a powerful tool for storytelling and reflection. Words can convey messages, evoke emotions, or provide context to the imagery on your page.


  • Use handwritten notes, poetry, or quotes to complement your artwork. Don't worry about penmanship; the authenticity of your handwriting adds personal character.
  • Experiment with typographic elements by incorporating printed text, either from a computer or cut out from magazines and newspapers.
  • Play with the placement of text, weaving it into your visual elements, or using it as a design feature in itself.

4. Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome

Art journaling is as much about the act of creation as it is about the finished piece. The process offers a meditative escape, allowing for introspection and emotional release. Focusing too much on the outcome can stifle creativity and hinder the flow of expression.

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  • Approach each page as an experiment, an opportunity to learn and explore without attachment to how it "should" look.
  • If you find yourself becoming frustrated or overly critical, take a step back. Remind yourself why you started art journaling in the first place---likely for enjoyment, relaxation, or self-discovery.
  • Celebrate the mistakes and imperfections. They often lead to the most unique and personal touches in your journal.

5. Create a Habit of Regular Practice

Like any skill, mixed media art journaling benefits from regular practice. Setting aside dedicated time for your art journal helps cultivate creativity as a habit, ensuring continuous growth and exploration.


  • Schedule regular sessions for your art journaling, even if it's just a few minutes each day. Consistency is key.
  • Keep your journal and a basic set of supplies easily accessible to reduce barriers to getting started.
  • Join online communities or local groups centered around art journaling. Sharing your work and seeing others' creations can be incredibly motivating and inspiring.

Mixed media art journaling is a journey of self-expression that celebrates the merging of various artistic forms. By following these tips, you can unlock new levels of creativity, crafting pages that resonate with personal meaning and aesthetic beauty. Remember, there are no rules in art journaling---only the freedom to explore, experiment, and express.

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