Handling millipedes can be a rewarding experience for enthusiasts and researchers alike, but it is crucial to have the right tools and equipment to ensure the safety and well-being of both the handler and the millipede. In this article, we will explore the essential supplies needed for safe millipede interaction, including tools for handling, housing, and observing these fascinating arthropods.

1. Handling Tools

Soft-bristled Paintbrush

A soft-bristled paintbrush is a versatile tool for gently coaxing millipedes to move in a desired direction without causing harm or stress. It allows handlers to nudge the millipede along without direct contact, reducing the risk of injury to the delicate arthropod.


Fine-tipped tweezers are useful for carefully picking up small millipedes or adjusting their position when necessary. Tweezers provide precision handling and control, especially when dealing with intricate or sensitive species.

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While not always necessary, wearing gloves can offer protection against any potential irritants or toxins that certain millipede species may excrete when handled. Gloves also provide a barrier between the handler's skin and the millipede, minimizing direct contact.

2. Housing Equipment

Terrarium or Enclosure

A suitable terrarium or enclosure is essential for providing a comfortable and secure environment for millipedes. Choose a spacious container with proper ventilation, substrate, and hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat.


Select an appropriate substrate such as peat moss, coconut coir, or leaf litter to maintain humidity levels and allow millipedes to burrow and forage. The substrate should be kept moist but not waterlogged to support the millipedes' hydration needs.

Hides and Decor

Include hides, such as cork bark or leaf litter, in the enclosure to create sheltered areas where millipedes can retreat and feel secure. Adding decor like rocks, branches, or artificial plants can enrich the environment and provide stimulation for the millipedes.

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3. Observation and Monitoring Tools

Magnifying Glass

A magnifying glass or a magnifying lens attachment for a smartphone can help handlers observe millipedes up close and appreciate their intricate features and behaviors. It allows for detailed examination without disturbing the millipedes.


A flashlight with a dimming feature or a red light setting is useful for nocturnal observation of millipedes. This gentle light source helps maintain a natural day-night cycle for the millipedes while allowing handlers to observe their activities without causing undue stress.

Hygrometer and Thermometer

Monitoring the humidity and temperature levels in the millipede enclosure is vital for maintaining optimal conditions. A hygrometer and a thermometer enable handlers to ensure that the environment remains within the ideal range for the health and well-being of the millipedes.

4. Emergency Supplies

Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol can be used to clean handling tools and disinfect any wounds or cuts that may occur during interactions with millipedes. It is essential to have on hand to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of pathogens.

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First Aid Kit

A basic first aid kit containing supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers should be readily available in case of minor injuries or accidents while handling millipedes. Prompt treatment can prevent complications and promote healing.


Equipping yourself with the right tools and equipment is essential for safe and successful interactions with millipedes. By having the necessary handling tools, housing equipment, observation aids, and emergency supplies on hand, you can ensure the well-being of the millipedes and yourself. Responsible handling practices, coupled with proper equipment, contribute to a positive experience when caring for these captivating arthropods. Remember to research specific care requirements for the millipede species you intend to handle and always prioritize their welfare and safety.

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