Training your Norwich Terrier is a rewarding and essential part of building a strong bond, ensuring obedience, and promoting positive behavior in your canine companion. Norwich Terriers are intelligent, spirited dogs that respond well to training when approached with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. To set your Norwich Terrier up for success and strengthen your relationship, mastering key training commands is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore five essential training commands that every Norwich Terrier owner should know to effectively communicate with their dog, instill good manners, and enhance the overall training experience.

1. Sit Command

- Importance:

  • Teaching your Norwich Terrier to sit is a foundational command that promotes focus, impulse control, and calm behavior.
  • The sit command is useful in various situations, such as greeting guests, waiting at doorways, or during meal times.

- Training Method:

  • Hold a treat above your dog's nose, then gradually move it back over their head, encouraging them to lower their hindquarters into a sitting position.
  • As soon as your Norwich Terrier sits, praise them and offer the treat as a reward, reinforcing the connection between the action and the reward.

2. Stay Command

- Importance:

  • The stay command teaches your Norwich Terrier self-control, patience, and the ability to remain in place until released.
  • Mastering the stay command enhances safety, prevents impulsive behavior, and builds trust between you and your dog.

- Training Method:

  • Start with your dog in a sitting or standing position, then give the verbal cue "stay" while making a hand signal like an open palm facing your dog.
  • Step back a short distance, return immediately, and reward your Norwich Terrier for staying in place. Gradually increase the duration and distance as they improve.

3. Come Command

- Importance:

  • The come command, also known as recall, is vital for your Norwich Terrier's safety, allowing you to call them back in potentially dangerous situations or off-leash adventures.
  • Establishing a reliable recall strengthens your bond, provides freedom for exploration, and ensures immediate responsiveness from your dog.

- Training Method:

  • Begin training in a low-distraction environment by calling your Norwich Terrier's name followed by the "come" command in an enthusiastic tone.
  • Reward generously with treats, toys, or praise when they come to you, reinforcing the recall behavior positively and making it a rewarding experience for your dog.

4. Down Command

- Importance:

  • Teaching your Norwich Terrier to lie down on command promotes relaxation, submission, and respect for boundaries.
  • The down command is beneficial for calming excitable behaviors, managing impulse control, and providing a comfortable resting position for your dog.

- Training Method:

  • Start with your dog in a sitting position, then lure them into a down position by moving a treat from their nose towards the floor.
  • Once your Norwich Terrier lies down, use a verbal cue like "down" and reward them immediately, gradually phasing out the lure and reinforcing the command.

5. Leave It Command

- Importance:

  • The leave it command teaches your Norwich Terrier to ignore or move away from items that are unsafe, harmful, or not meant for them.
  • This command helps prevent scavenging, resource guarding, and ingesting potentially dangerous objects, promoting their safety and well-being.

- Training Method:

  • Present your Norwich Terrier with a low-value item, say "leave it," and cover the item with your hand or body to prevent access.
  • When your dog looks away or shows disinterest, reward them with a high-value treat as a reward for leaving the item alone, reinforcing the desired behavior.


Mastering these five key training commands---sit, stay, come, down, and leave it---is essential for every Norwich Terrier owner looking to establish clear communication, foster obedience, and strengthen the bond with their canine companion. Consistent practice, positive reinforcement, patience, and persistent training efforts are key to successfully teaching these commands and ensuring your Norwich Terrier responds reliably in various situations. By incorporating these essential commands into your training routine, you can enhance your Norwich Terrier's behavior, promote good manners, and create a harmonious relationship based on trust, respect, and effective communication. Embrace the training process as an opportunity to bond with your Norwich Terrier, cultivate mutual understanding, and enjoy a fulfilling partnership built on love, trust, and shared learning experiences.

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