The kickflip 360, often referred to as the "tre flip" or "360 flip," is a cornerstone trick in skateboarding, blending the kickflip with a 360-degree board rotation. Mastering this trick is a rite of passage that sets apart beginners from advanced skaters, showcasing not only technical skill but also style and control. The complexity of the kickflip 360 lies in the precise coordination of your feet and body while maintaining balance and direction. Here are five expert tips to help you conquer this iconic move.

1. Solidify Your Foundation

Before attempting the kickflip 360, ensure your kickflips and 360 pop shuv-its are solid. Mastery of these foundational tricks is crucial because the kickflip 360 essentially combines elements of both. A strong kickflip ensures you can get the board to flip correctly, while a well-executed 360 pop shuv-it gives you the rotation needed. Spend time refining these tricks separately, focusing on your foot placement, flick, and spin, before attempting to combine them.


  • Practice kickflips and 360 pop shuv-its individually until they feel consistent and controlled.
  • Pay close attention to your foot positioning and timing, as these are critical factors you'll carry over to the kickflip 360.

2. Perfect Your Foot Placement

Foot placement is key to achieving both the flip and the rotation necessary for a successful kickflip 360. Your front foot should be slightly angled towards the front bolts of the board, similar to a regular kickflip stance but slightly more towards the center. Your back foot's position is more critical -- place it on the tail's edge so it can scoop the board effectively to initiate the 360 rotation.

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  • Experiment with slight adjustments in foot placement to find what works best for you.
  • Keep your front foot near the middle of the board but angled, allowing for a clean flick.
  • Place your back foot on the very tip of the tail, using the outer edge to scoop the board around.

3. Master the Scoop and Flick

The essence of the kickflip 360 lies in the simultaneous scoop and flick. The back foot must scoop the board hard enough to send it spinning 360 degrees, while the front foot flicks the board to initiate the kickflip. Achieving this motion requires synchronized timing and practice.


  • Focus on scooping with your back foot by pushing it backward and outward in a swift, forceful motion.
  • As you scoop, flick your front foot outwards towards the board's edge to start the flip.
  • Practice the scoop and flick without landing the trick, watching the board's rotation and flip to ensure proper execution.

4. Keep Your Body Aligned Over the Board

Maintaining your body's alignment over the skateboard is crucial for landing the kickflip 360. Many skaters make the mistake of leaning too far back or forward, losing balance and control. Your shoulders should stay aligned with the board, helping to keep your center of gravity centered as you jump and rotate.

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  • Practice jumping straight up as you execute the trick, keeping your shoulders parallel to the board.
  • Visualize your body staying over the board throughout the entire trick, from the moment you pop to when you land.
  • Work on fine-tuning your jump and scoop so they work together seamlessly, without throwing off your balance.

5. Commit and Practice Consistently

Like any advanced skateboarding trick, mastering the kickflip 360 requires commitment and consistent practice. Mental barriers often pose as significant a challenge as physical ones, so it's essential to commit fully to each attempt. Understand that falls and failed attempts are part of the learning process. Dedicate time each day to practice, and don't get discouraged by setbacks.


  • Set aside dedicated practice sessions for the kickflip 360, gradually increasing your intensity and focus.
  • Use protective gear to minimize the fear of falling, allowing you to commit fully to learning the trick.
  • Celebrate small victories and progress, whether it's getting a better flick, more rotation, or finally landing the trick.

Mastering the kickflip 360 is a challenging yet rewarding milestone in any skater's journey. By solidifying your foundational tricks, perfecting your foot placement, mastering the scoop and flick, keeping your body aligned, and committing to consistent practice, you'll significantly increase your chances of success. Remember, perseverance and patience are just as important as technique. Keep pushing your limits, and you'll find yourself soaring through one of skateboarding's most iconic tricks.

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