The double cork 1080 is an advanced and visually stunning trick in snowboarding and freeskiing. It involves rotating two flips and three full spins while in the air. Mastering this trick requires a combination of skill, technique, and practice. In this article, we will explore seven expert tips to help you progress towards mastering the double cork 1080.

1. Build a Strong Foundation

Before attempting the double cork 1080, it's essential to have a strong foundation in basic tricks and aerial awareness. Make sure you can comfortably execute single flips, spins, and other advanced maneuvers such as 720s. Develop a solid understanding of body positioning, balance, and timing in the air to set yourself up for success with the double cork 1080.

2. Progression through Progressions

Mastering the double cork 1080 is a step-by-step process. Start by practicing and perfecting each component of the trick individually. Break it down into smaller progressions, such as practicing double flips without rotations or adding one spin at a time. As you gain confidence and consistency with each progression, gradually combine them until you can execute the full double cork 1080.

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3. Spotting and Visualizing

Spotting and visualizing are crucial aspects of successfully executing the double cork 1080. While in the air, focus your gaze on a fixed point in the distance and use it as a reference to control your rotation. By actively spotting and visualizing the landing throughout the trick, you can maintain spatial awareness and control your movements more effectively.

4. Generate Optimal Takeoff Speed

Generating the right amount of speed and momentum off the takeoff is essential for executing the double cork 1080 correctly. Aim for a controlled and balanced approach to the jump, utilizing proper edge control and body positioning. Experiment with different speed variations to find the optimal balance between maintaining control and generating enough momentum for the trick.

5. Perfect Your Body Positioning

Body positioning is critical when attempting the double cork 1080. Focus on a strong and compact tuck position during rotations to increase your rotational speed and maintain control in the air. Keep your knees tucked up towards your chest, maintain a tight core, and extend your arms to aid in stabilization. Proper body positioning facilitates faster rotations and helps you spot the landing.

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6. Spotting the Landing

Spotting the landing is vital to ensure a smooth and controlled descent after completing the rotations. As you approach the end of the trick, shift your focus from the spot you were initially spotting to the landing area. This will help you prepare for touchdown and adjust your body position accordingly. Maintaining awareness of the landing will allow you to absorb impact and continue your ride smoothly.

7. Practice with Trampolines and Airbags

To build confidence and muscle memory for the double cork 1080, consider practicing on trampolines or into foam pits with airbags. These training tools provide a safer environment for experimenting with new tricks and refining technique. Utilize these resources to practice the various progressions and develop a solid understanding of the trick before attempting it on snow or in the terrain park.


Mastering the double cork 1080 requires dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to progression. By building a strong foundation, progressing through smaller steps, focusing on spotting and visualizing, generating optimal takeoff speed, perfecting body positioning, spotting the landing, and utilizing trampolines and airbags for practice, you can work towards mastering this advanced trick. Remember, always prioritize safety, progress at your own pace, and seek guidance from experienced riders or coaches to ensure proper technique and minimize the risk of injury. With time and practice, the double cork 1080 can become a thrilling addition to your snowboarding or freeskiing repertoire.

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