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读书不求甚解,没有什么用处。Reading without understand is of no use.

读书不求甚解是无用的。It's no use reading without understanding.

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好读书,不求甚解。Good reading, read without thorough understanding.

他学习一向不求甚解。He studies only to have a superficial understanding.

五柳先生“好读书,不求甚解,每有会意,便欣然忘食”。Western media should "good reading, without understanding, for every knowing, they gladly forget to eat."

古人的精华所在,我一知半解的理解就是要平静地面对,也许是我不求甚解。The essence of the ancients, I understand little knowledge is to calm face, maybe I superficial understanding.

在学习的过程中,有些学生只是一知半解,不求甚解,这是非常有害的。In the learning process, it is very harmful for some students to see the backs and not try to understand them thoroughly.

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应该努力模拟,每个声调和语调,每个字词和句子,从粗到细地模拟和吸收,要抱着一种不求甚解、顺其自然的态度才好。Try to imitate very pronunciation and intonation, every word and sentence from the rough to the subtle with a natural attitude.

每逢我读书不求甚解时,便提醒自己快去查字典,不但对英语如此,就是对汉语也是如此。Whenever I do reading without understanding it thoroughly, I will remind myself to look up a dictionary quickly. That applies to Chinese as well as English learning.

当做出决定时,对信息不求甚解匆忙做出的判断便与对信息深思熟虑之后得到的逻辑结论相去甚远。When making a decision, it is the difference between weighing information to come to a logical conclusion and making snap judgments without understanding the information.