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血管造影是一种X射线测试。An angiogram is a kind of X-ray test.

核磁共振造影术在医界引起一阵骚动。MRI has caused a stir in the medical community.

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用钆造影后信号几乎没有加强。There is very little enhancement with gadolinium.

有时候,内镜逆行胰胆管造影还可以用来清除胰腺结石。Occasionally, pancreatic stones can be removed by ERCP.

脑室造影对肿瘤定位有很大价值。Ventriculography is of great value in locating the tumor.

内镜逆行胰胆管造影可以诊断并清除胆管结石。Bile duct stones can be diagnosed and removed with an ERCP.

造影PDI成像比CDFI成像具有更高的敏感性。Contrasted PDI might be more sensitive than contrasted CDFI.

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大剂量静脉滴注尿路造影效果更好。Intravenous drip urography of large dose was more effective.

方法12例复合性臂丛神经根撕脱伤者行颈脊髓造影CT扫描。Methods 12 cases of CBPRA were examinated by CT myelography.

方法对51例便秘患者行排粪造影检查。Methods De-fecography was used for 51 cases of constipation.

逆行肾盂造影时输尿管导管弯曲,呈“S”形。On retrograde pyelography the catheter is curved as"S"shape.

你最好做一个静脉肾盂造影,看一看是否有肾结石。You'd better do an IVP X-ray to see if you have kidney stones.

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目的研究眼底荧光造影术的安全性。Objective To investigate the safety of fluorescein angiography.

所有病例均行低张双对比灌肠造影。All patients underwent low tension double contrast barium enema.

确诊要靠钡餐和气管造影。Diagnosis can usually be made by barium swallow and tracheogram.

这种情况可能需要血管造影测试才能发现。Finding this condition may require tests other than an angiogram.

本文报告了35例颈椎侧方穿刺的脊髓造影。Myelography by lateral cervical puncture was studied in 35 cases.

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成功行上尿路逆行造影对病灶均能准确定位。Retrograde pyelography could locate accurately for the carcinoma.

眼底荧光素血管造影显示“双循环”现象。"Double circulation"was showed by fundus fluorescence angiography.

大多数患者通过超声检查或者门静脉造影可以确诊。Most cases can be detected by ultrasonography or portal venography.