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若果硬件能跟上定义好的FPS,那没问题。If the hardware can handle the defined FPS, no problem.

若果这件事情使你感到不爽我们感到非常的抱歉。If it makes you uncomfortable, we feel very sorry for it.

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若果这种手法完美,你的高潮将快马来到。Once you perfect this technique, you may orgasm very quickly.

若果计划成功的话,他们被拯救了,这将会是一个美好的世界。If the plan succeeds , and they are saved, it will be a good world.

若果你再对我不三不四,我就给你点颜色看看。If you to me no three no four again, I will give you some color to see see.

若果清单上说“地下室也完成”,那表明是真的完成了。If the show sheet says “finished basement, ” verify that it is truly finished.

若果证明他有罪的话,保护他将没有任何的意义。It does not make any sense to protect him from death sentences if proven guilty!

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基甸对神说,你若果照着所说的话,藉我手拯救以色列人And Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said

“若果我们想要用武力去推翻卡扎菲的统治,”他说,“我们本身的联合将分崩离析。”“If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force,” he said, “our coalition would splinter.

若果如此,这将是克林顿夫人亚洲外交的一个重要成果,当然这还是较为遥远的目标。That would be a coup for Mrs Clinton's Asian diplomacy, though a distant goal for now.

若果你以前没有接触过蜜罐,这将会是一个很有趣的概念。If you are new to the concept of honeypot , this will be an interesting concept to you.

品尝中若果味能够更加丰富则不失为一瓶经典的玛歌,但已经足够出众。Needs a bit more fruit on the midpalate to be a classic Margaux, but clearly outstanding.

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首先,若果路政署早在市民先前提出意见时就坐言起行,根本就不会有什麽拖慢工程之事。Had Highways Department acted when people first commented there would be no risk of delay.

若果你住所属于村屋、平房或位置于街道地面,您亦应于窗户加装窗花及大门铁闸,以提升保护能力。If your home or apartment is at street level, you can add grates or grilles to protect windows.

若果名人和品牌的文化能跨越国界,当代艺术一样可以。If celebrities and consumer brands could become trans-national phenomenon, why couldn't contemporary art?

但若果肚泻无改善或者更加严重,就要立即带兔仔去见兽医!But if you find the diarrhea become serious and can'tstop, it will better to take your rabbit immediately to the vet.

若果如之前所说的情况,你或者能够修补月初狂暴时破坏了的关系。If it's the former situation, you may be able to repair a relationship that may have hit turbulence earlier in the month.

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电影若果描述个人或集体的警察贪污或政治腐败行为,也不一定代表反警察或反政府。A film about individual or group police corruption or political corruption is not necessarily anti-police or anti-government.

玛莉和多乐在家看电视爱情剧,乘机教子不可乱拍拖,若果拣错对象,随时会后悔莫及。Mary and much joy at home watching TV drama, love to his godson not dating, if picked the wrong object, at any time will regret.

若果时间过于紧迫受害人会在写上名字及详情后的六分四十秒后死于心脏麻痹。If the set time is too tight the victim will die of a heart attack after 6 minutes and 40 seconds after completing the DEATH NOTE.