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火车呜的一声飞驰而过。The train zoomed past.

他沿街飞驰而去。He flew down the street.

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火车从我们旁边飞驰而过。The train bulleted past us.

他开著汽车沿著那条路飞驰而去。He flew down the road in a car.

船只在河上飞驰而过。Ships raced along on the river.

汽车飞驰在马路上。The car breezed along the road.

云在风前飞驰。The clouds fled before the wind.

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那辆特别快车突然飞驰过来了。The express train flashed forth.

他们骑马飞驰而去。They galloped off on their horse.

那马围着场地飞驰。The horse galloped round the field.

他驾车沿街飞驰。He bucketed his car down the street.

他听到飞驰子弹的飕飕声。He heard the zip of a flying bullet.

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云在风前飞驰而过。The clouds are fleeting before wind.

我们看见那匹马飞驰而去。The day my canary flew away I cried.

一架水上飞机从湖面上飞驰而过。A hydroplane navigated over the lake.

他的摩托艇在河上飞驰而过。His motorboat hurtled along the river.

尼克开着新车轰地一声飞驰而过。Nick went zooming past in his new car.

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地铁在隧道中呼啸飞驰。The tube roared in the tunnel quickly.

一辆失控的汽车朝我们飞驰而来。A runaway car came hurtling towards us.

一个女人钻进小车,飞驰而去。A woman got into the car and drove off.