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他即席赋诗。He knocks off a poem.

他即席作了韵诗。He improvised in rhyme.

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这个曲子是即席作成的。The song was composed extempore.

我要创建20个即席报告。I have to create 20 Adhoc reports.

我们什么时候要做即席演讲?When do we make impromptu speeches?

我不擅长即席演讲。I’m not good at speaking off the cuff.

我可以在半个小时内即席作诗一首。I can fling off a poem in half an hour.

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他的即席评论显得缺乏判断力。His ad-lib comments showed poor judgment.

第一次发言,是即席演讲。The first time I spoke was in Table Topics.

替换和即席创作的文雅艺术The gentle art of substitution and improvisation

那位钢琴家为那首歌即席伴奏。The pianist improvised an accompaniment to the song.

“现场站立思考”是指能够快速组织自己的观点,不要提前准备便能针对某个主题发表演讲,这种类型的演讲常常被称为即席演讲。This type of speech is often called an impromptu speech.

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卡娅是一位杰出的即席演讲者和辩手。Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater.

你将会有一分钟准备你的即席演讲。You will have one minute to prepare your impromptu speech.

各分会级公众演讲及即席演讲比赛。Club level public speaking and table topic speech contests.

即席演讲似乎不那麽困难。Giving an impromptu speech is not as difficult as it seems.

该演讲人对若干题目中的任一个都能即席发言。The speaker can extemporize on any of a number of subjects.

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这位著名的诗人常被邀请即席赋诗。The famous poet was often asked to compose a poem extempore.

我尤其欣赏我们刚刚听过的即席演讲。I especially enjoyed the extemporaneous speech we just heard.

总裁即席发表了一篇工作餐后演说。The president extemporized a speech after the working dinner.