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月,气冷暖替,像,像冬。Cox with winter for months past.

配有独立调试冷暖空调。Air conditioning with separate debugging.

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随意篡改各地区、各时代的气候冷暖。It distorts the climate of the earth in the past era.

看透了世间风景,体会人间冷暖。Seen through the experience from the living world scenery.

风是由冷暖地区流动着的空气引起的。Wind is caused by air moving between cold and warm region.

尝尽人生百味,方知人间冷暖。——白落梅。Taste of life is, we never know the world changes in temperature.

第一次看别人的博客哭了,感受别人的血液,体谅他人的冷暖!I cried when I view someone's blog feel their blood joy and sorrow!

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不惑的我们尝遍了酸甜苦辣,冷暖祸福刻满了年轮。No doubt we tasted the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, cold and engraved ring.

而家境不好的,从小就深深地体味到人间的冷暖。The family was poor, deeply appreciate an early age to human well-being.

这是一部讲述人情冷暖的片子,他说。The story is about how indifferent society is, the documentary maker said.

因为受到洛薇特夫人那一点点的温暖,一直受尽了人间冷暖的你,发誓不让她受到伤害。Because of so little warm from Mrs Lovett, poor you sweared never let her hurt.

由于这个时代的冷暖,人们会怀念过去吗?Well, does one feel any nostalgia now for the coolness and heat of this moment?

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看尽生生死死、人情冷暖及世事变化的无常。I had seen life and death, warm and cool feelings, and the impermanence of life.

在气候资料中冷暖是随时间尺度而变化的,但也存在不变量。The climatic colding and warming change with time scale, but there is also invariance.

剖面中的38个沉积旋迥相应地记录了38次干湿冷暖气候波动。The 38 sedimentary cycles record 38 climate vicissitudes between cold-dry and warm-humid.

幸福如同尿裤子,每个人都看见,但冷暖仅自知。Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth.

幸福如同尿裤子,每个人都看见,但冷暖仅自知。Happiness is light peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth.

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因而,第四纪古地磁极倒转可能是第四纪气候冷暖波动变化的主要驱动因素之一。Therefore, paleomagnetic polarity reverse of Quaternary may be one of the main driving factors.

就像树木和动物一样,坚韧面对黑夜风暴,人情冷暖。To confront night , storms, hunger, ridicule, accidents, Rebuffs , as the trees and animals do.

独特的眼光看世界,独特的视角品生活。如想知道社会万象,人生冷暖,请听“小李飞刀”孙乔慢慢道来。Look at this world in another way. Sun Qiao talks about various aspects of this society with you.