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在现实世界中,该生命周期并非始终泾渭分明。In the real world, the lifecycle is not always as clean.

红砖先生的精灵戴红帽子,蓝莓女士的花戴蓝帽子,他们之间泾渭分明,相互仇恨。His have red caps, hers wear blue and they are bitter rivals.

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在历史上,这两种类型的电影可谓是泾渭分明。Historically, these two genres of film have remained separate.

有意思的是,对于“裸婚”的态度,男女之间泾渭分明。However, the attitudes of the two genders are quite different.

两人对此的态度泾渭分明。The two of them had entirely different attitudes towards the matter.

物理中速率和速度的概念,是泾渭分明的。There is a very big difference in physics between speed and velocity.

或许,这两个应用领域根本就不能泾渭分明的划清界限。And may be these two application areas are not so distinct from each other.

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我们喜欢自己的工作界限明确,于他人的工作泾渭分明。We like to have our bits well-defined and separated from the work of others.

政府泾渭分明地分为了自由党和保守党两个党派。There is a great divide between liberals and conservatives in the government.

泉和我保持着一种泾渭分明却又亲密无间的关系。Izumi and I had a strictly compartmentalised yet totally intimate relationship.

这种古老的“欢迎”垫似乎已被一道泾渭分明的“不爱它就走人”的标识给取代了。The old welcome-mat seems to have been replaced by a “Love it or leave it” sign.

它和现代观念中泾渭分明的性和种族概念截然不同。This is quite at odds with modern notions of absolute difference exemplified by sex and race.

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地质和地球物理这两个地球科学分支的差别并不泾渭分明。The distinction between geophysical and geological branches of earth science is not clear-cut.

从传统上来说,这些问题使开发和操作团队泾渭分明。Traditionally, such problems have caused deep divisions between development and operations teams.

对于很多人来说,这两种社会化网络依然根据职业和个人而泾渭分明。For many people, these two social networks are still divided between the professional and the personal.

这个习惯要追溯到一个专业人士和劳动阶级泾渭分明的时代。The practice goes back to a time when there was a clear distinction between professionals and laborers.

但是,正如我们所知,这种限制并非泾渭分明地分为两部分,“说”对立于“写”那样。But, as we know well, the constraints do not fall neatly into a twofold division, "speaking" versus "writing".

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早期物质方面的教育使我们从小就对对“你的”和“我的”东西,或者具体一点,也就是金钱,泾渭分明。We are taught early on to be materialistic and taught to consider things, or to be exact, money, "mine" or "yours".

在德国进行的这项研究显示,即使是光顾睡眠者的恶梦也是男女有别泾渭分明。But there were clear differences in the topics that haunted the sleep of the sexes in the study conducted in Germany.

这是个复合式的果岭,稍稍偏离球道,而且分成泾渭分明的两段。The green complex runs slightly away from the fairway with two distinct levels running the length of this deep green.