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书法作品真伪鉴别。Verification of calligraphy works.

输入防伪码,点击按钮查询真伪!Please enter the security code, click the buttom!

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在评注课上我们不在乎真伪。We don't care if it's true or not in an exegesis class.

律师们如今仍忙于证明这些文件的真伪。Unravelling such documents is still keeping lawyers busy.

他承认目前还没有证据证明任何一种推测的真伪。He concedes that there is no proof for any of those theories.

第四十三条发票的真伪由税务机关鉴定。Real and false invoices shall be appraised by tax authorities.

向使当初身便死,一生真伪复谁知?If the original body died, life authenticity complex who knows?

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证书可登岸学校官方网站查询真伪。Certificate can land school government website to inquire true bogus.

领悟尝试则可检查修证知识本身的真伪。Apprehend the attempt can check the authenticity of the knowledge itself.

这个理论非常有争议,并且即便是在千万年后也无法证明真伪。That theory is controversial and can’t be proven or disproven eons later.

通过这种方法来判明真伪还远远达不到万无一失的程度,但它提供了一个不错的方向。Detecting phoniness this way is far from fail-safe, but it is a good guide.

像在镜子上蒙上水雾一样在钻戒上蒸一层水汽,可以鉴别钻石真伪。You can tell if your rock is the real thing by fogging it up like a mirror.

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中国制造的高仿假币,连专家也难辨真伪。Even the experts are being fooled by high quality Chinese counterfeit coins.

如今,数字成像技术开始在识别画作真伪的研究中获得进展。Now digital imaging is starting to figure out how to spot art forgeries, too.

所以,铁线是不能作为绿松石判断真伪的标准的。Therefore, the wire is not to judge the authenticity of a turquoise standard.

你失去了依靠自己学会辨别真伪的能力,变成了被别人告知该相信什么。Instead of learning to discern truth on your own, you’re told what to believe.

虽然人造的会带有瑕疵,但甚至专家们也不能分辨真伪。Although synthetics still carry a stigma, even experts can't tell the difference.

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目的通过安乃近片剂及注射液作红外光谱扫描,快速鉴别该药的真伪。Objective To identify metamizole sodium tablets and its injection by IR spectrum.

另外,观察药粉颜色,可以分辨中成药的真伪。Additional, observe powder color, the officinal true bogus in can differentiating.

请病假的理由中,一半都是肠胃不舒服,很难辨明真伪。Half of all health-related excuses involve stomach upsets, which are hard to disprove.