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接二连三的返修简直活活要了尼克的命。THE RECHECKS WERE eating Nick alive.

请不要再接二连三地提问题了。Please estop your continual questions.

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他也开始接二连三地和艾奇逊院长发生争执。He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson.

丹尼斯和埃克哈特接二连三地提问。Dennis and Eckhardt peppered Cavallo with questions.

你接二连三地批评降低了他们的热情。Your constant criticism has deadened their enthusiasm.

他们公司去年在生意上接二连三地亏本。Their company suffered loss on loss in business last year.

放在雪柜里的鸡柳接二连三离奇被偷食,究竟谁是贼仔?The chicken fillets in the fringe have been stolen by somebody.

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我很走运,在最后几场马赛中,接二连三地赌赢了。Fortunately, I picked winners back to back in the last few races.

圣经上接二连三的要我们“尽心尽意的侍奉主”。Repeatedly, the Bible says to "serve the Lord with all your heart.

圣经上接二连三的要我们“尽心尽意的侍奉主”。Repeatedly, the Bible says to "serve the Lord with all your heart."

这些接二连三的试炼,是对我们信心的考验。The rapid succession of trials is one of the sorest tests of faith.

接二连三的撞击礁石使船的一边撞了一个洞。Repeated batterings on the rocks had staved in one side of the boat.

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这座桥接二连三地遭到暴风雨的袭击后,己经不安全了。Having been weakened by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe.

是否在为应对接二连三,不定期的客户验厂而烦恼?Whether to cope with successive, customer audits from time to time to worry?

此后不久,金融机构接二连三地出现触礁。Shortly thereafter, financial institutions hit the skids in rapid succession.

但接二连三的周年纪念活动之外,还有很多东西是人们未曾想过的。There is more to the dovetailing of these anniversaries than one might think.

他每月都会接二连三地接到来自亚洲制片人的新剧本。He's getting barraged with new scripts every month from filmmakers across Asia.

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接二连三的快速闪击,则是使闪电通道闪烁的主因。The quick succession of strokes is what causes the lightning channel to flicker.

接二连三回来的探子,都给他带来了更使人烦恼的消息。One after another of his scouts arrived, each brought him more discomfortable news.

接二连三的震动通常但并不一定就是火山喷发即将来临的信号。Swarms of tremors are usually, though not always, a sign that an eruption is coming.