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他的一番话真是振奋人心啊。His words is really exciting.

这的确是一个振奋人心的消息。This is a heart-stirring message really.

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这一定是个振奋人心的节目。对吧,查理布朗?That must be exciting program. Eh, Charlie Brown?

运动前10分钟,听自己最喜欢的振奋人心的歌。At run-minus-10, listen to a favorite psych-up song.

它带给这个空间的是一股充满激励的和振奋人心的活力。The energy it gave to the room was inspiring and uplifting.

这项对非洲的承诺已经创下了几个振奋人心的第一。This commitment to Africa has produced some exciting firsts.

依此看来,今天能投进些球还是很振奋人心的。So that was encouraging to see today that we made some shots.

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德兰格说,如到了这一阶段,无疑将是振奋人心的,不过现在还不能过于乐观。De Lange says this stage is exciting, but there is still risk.

创始人兑现条款对他们来说只是个情绪上振奋人心的条款而已。Founder vesting was one of the emotional hot buttons for them.

菅直人和其内阁成员给人的印象是真挚有余,而振奋人心不足。Mr Kan and his crew come across as earnest rather than electrifying.

对登山爱好者来说,这是一场纯粹的视觉盛宴,片中的配乐也非常振奋人心。It’s pure eye candy for mountain-lovers. The music is pretty entrancing, too.

中国的第12个5年计划,自三月起,设置一个振奋人心的目标期刊。China's 12th 5-year plan, in effect since March, sets a heady goal for journals.

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从十三到二十一世纪,这次振奋人心的“交会”将会是中国2008里一个绝妙的故事。From XIII to XXI century exciting "in contro" , a wonderful tale in the China 2008.

这个国家需要一个国王用一个清晰振奋人心的嗓音来让优秀的军队重整旗鼓。The nation needs a king who can rally the forces of good in a clear, inspiring voice.

心脏从没有停止生长,这是来自斯德哥尔摩的振奋人心的消息。The heart-stopping news from Stockholm is that the heart never stops—growing, that is.

能源与气候变化部部长琼*拉多克认为这一结果是“振奋人心的”。The results were described as "promising" by minister for climate change Joan Ruddock.

他不仅有着超凡脱俗的魅力,而且受到很多球迷的追捧,他是一个能振奋人心的领导者。He was, however, hugely charismatic, very popular with the fans and an inspirational leader.

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这些都是振奋人心的消息,然而一些人担心,如果股票市场稍有下跌,这些计划将付之东流。Encouraging stuff, though some fret that any hiccup in equity markets could scupper these plans.

谁记得三个月前,有过振奋人心的美元与欧元平价预言?Who remembers that three months ago there were heady predictions of dollar parity with the euro?

我们每个人又将怎样从兰迪教授振奋人心的演讲中得到真谛,把生活的每一天过得最好?And how can all of us take heart from Pausch's inspiring message to live each day to its fullest?