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雷暴天气使孩子受到了惊吓。The thunderstorm terrified the child.

在雷暴期间,灯光是否会闪烁不定?Do lights blink during lightning storms?

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这场雷暴过后天气可能反而好些。The thunderstorm may settle the weather.

飑线中的狂风雷暴。Squally thunderstorms within a squall line.

雷暴,雷阵雨,风暴,闪电。Thunderstorms, Thundershowers, Storm, Lightning.

请问新布朗司威克一年有多少天雷暴?How many days of thunderstorm does New Brunswick have?

请问新布朗司威克一年有多少天雷暴?How many days of thunderstorm does New Brunswick have?2.

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本文对雷暴云的起电机制进行了研究。The mechanism of thundercloud electrification is studied.

这些光球有时在雷暴天出现。These glowing balls sometimes appear during thunderstorms.

雨将沉重的时候,与数狂风雷暴。Rain will be heavy at times with a few squally thunderstorms.

在正常天气或雷暴期间,是否对现场进行过电涌的测量?Were transient measurements made at the site or during storms?

1925年,俄亥俄州,他在一场强雷暴中被一劈为二。She was ripped in two in a severe thunderstorm over Ohio in 1925.

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在雷暴过境时,气压有着明显变化。During the passage of a thunderstorm pressure has pronounced change.

有天下午我们在湖畔时,来了一阵雷暴。One afternoon while we were there at that lake a thunderstorm came up.

强单体雹暴是一种发展非常强烈,有着特殊结构的强雷暴。The strong single hail with special structure developed very strongly.

夏天,雷暴和闪电也会引起航班延误。In the summer, thunderstorms or lightning may also cause flight delays.

下面你将看到一些雷暴和极炫的超雷雨胞例子。Below you can see some examples of thunderstorms and some superb supercells.

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该州发生雷暴和闪电的频率要高于美国任何的一个地区。The state sees more thunderstorms and lightning than anywhere else in the U.S.

他是一位年轻,好战的风神和雷暴之神,因此是自我产生的。He is a young, warlike god of wind and thunderstorms and thus fertility itself.

地域性强,大城市的热岛效应对雷暴的发生有促进作用。Urban heat island effect plays a positive role in triggering the thunderstorms.