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作为一个韩籍华侨。As a Korean overseas Chinese.

今天我们在华侨城高尔夫练习场。We're here at the OCT Driving Range today.

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欢迎来到华侨中学-无锡冬季校园网页!Welcome to Wuxi Winter Campus 2016 Home Page!

我自己的内阁中就有两位华侨美国人。My own Cabinet contains two Chinese Americans.

有些老华侨甚至躲藏了数十年,偷偷谋生。Some have to hide eking out a living for decades.

妈祖信仰也随华侨传至海外。Mazu belief has spread overseas with overseas Chinese.

其中华侨城负责人无奈地告诉记者。One OCT person in charge told the reporter helplessly.

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从2000年起,华侨并入外国人统计。Overseas chinese are bring into foreigners since 2000.

许多海外华侨也感同身受。The sentiment was also shared by some people overseas.

今天我们在环境优美的华侨城高尔夫练习场。And we are here at the beautiful OCT Golf Driving Range.

华侨要坚决把重点放在这一精神的需要。OAC wants to firmly put the focus on this spiritual need.

八十名火炬手中有五十名是泰国华侨。Among the eighty torchbearers, fifty are overseas Chinese.

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记者随后赶到华侨医院。The reporter then rushed to the overseas Chinese hospital.

国外华侨都思念他们的祖国。The Chinese living overseas are thinking of their motherland.

这所学院是一位华侨创办的。This is the college which was founded by an overseas Chinese.

陈就读于华侨中学和华中初级学院。Chen studied at The Chinese High and Hwa Chong Junior College.

该项目—中国邀请华侨多回国参观。The project — China invited overseas Chinese to return to visit.

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“只有客户的成功、才有华侨的发展”。Only a client's success, only the development of overseas Chinese.

三是主要论述国民参政员对华侨的关注。The third one is how councilors paid attention to overseas Chinese.

可是,为什么有的人总喜欢以海外华侨为夸耀自己呢?However, why some people always like to boast of his overseas to do?