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有些人在金钱面前俯首贴耳。Some people bow before money.

别对这无望俯首贴脸。Do not stoop to strategies like this.

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他自甘堕落成俯首贴耳的奴隶。He alone sinks to the rear and the slaves!

俯首于尘土之中,一生的梦想我们该如何实现?And toiling in dust, get our life-long dream feed?

其金色之额从未向海洋之权俯首His golden forehead never bows to the Ocean’s empery.

她想让她的男朋友总是对她俯首贴耳。She wanted her boy friend to lick her boots all the time.

农民要俯首贴耳为地主效劳。The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord.

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在这片土地上,宗教性的组织和神秘的故事俯首皆是。This is a land dense with sacred associations and mythical stories.

仰首是春,俯首是秋,愿所有的幸福都追随着你!新年快乐!Crowd is spring, autumn, wish all beck's happiness follow you! Happy New Year!

仰首是春,俯首是秋,月圆是画,月缺是诗。My dearest friends is a spring bow is autumn, full moon paintings, the moon is the poetry.

大臣把阿拉丁的母亲带到苏丹的面前,她俯首贴地拜倒在苏丹的脚前。The Vizier took Aladdin's mother to the Sultan, and she put her head on the ground at his feet.

莫非承认法律只是屈背俯首者追随自己的投在地上的影子?And what is it to acknowledge the laws but to stoop down and trace their shadows upon the earth?

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上司喜欢他们,并非因他们的能力强,胜任工作,而是因为他们非常俯首贴耳。The boss didn't like them because they are competent and capable but because they are submissive or docile.

许多人尊敬他,也有不少人畏惧他,里欧的英雄事迹很传奇,王国在他的铁爪之下俯首。Revered by some, feared by others. Leo's heroic deeds are legendary and he rules his domain with an iron paw.

一俯首吃草,一翘首前仰,一回首舐舌,一缓步前行,一在荆棵蹭痒。A bow and eat it too, a former head Yang, a look back on lap tongue, a forward slowly, in a rub trees Jing itch.

品如终于迸发出了积累了五年的怨气,俯首挺胸的分开了洪家。Product such as finally burst out of the accumulated five years of complaints, bend the separate flood bosom home.

祝你生日快乐,永远都幸福。仰首看见康庄大道在面前,俯首看见金银铺满地!!Happy birthday to you, always happy. Yangshou see the broad road in front of bow to see covered in gold and silver! !

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当然他们没有必要这么做,在他们争夺国外市场的斗争中,他是一只可以利用而且俯首贴耳的走狗。Of course there's no reason why they should, he's a useful and obedient lackey in their struggle for foreign markets.

仰首是春,俯首是秋,愿所有的幸福都追随着你。新年快乐!My dearest friends, is the spring, autumn is a humble, willing to chase with all the happiness you have. Happy New Year!

年轻人俯首看去,茶叶在杯子里上下沉浮,丝丝清香不绝如缕,望而生津。Bow looked young, up and down a cup of tea in the ups and downs, the slightest scent hanging by a thread, hope and fluid.