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这部片子的故事情节让人不知所云。The plot is incomprehensible.

不知所云的bd。到底这是怎么了?Unintelligible bd. In the end this is how?

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这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.

我们不会再一眼扫过文字而不知所云,而是斟词酌句、深思细想。We won't just scan the words – we will contemplate their meaning.

有时候梦令人毛骨悚然,有时候梦却使愿望成真,还有的时候怪梦会来打扰我们,梦里的世界好像乱七八糟,不知所云。Sometimes dreams are frightening. Sometimes, in dreams, wishes come true.

从你最喜欢的话题开始,否则你就会走题,不知所云。Start a blog on your favorite topic, else you will always run out of content.

这些时髦的词当然令人听了不知所云,但它们现在却是牛津词典认可的新词。This trendy tale is nonsense, of course, but it is now Oxford-approved nonsense.

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光是认识重要人物,就寒暄得头昏脑胀,不知所云。Awareness alone an important figure in the head on the exchange, incomprehensible.

另一个让大家长不大的原因是我们的劳动力市场越来越不知所云。Another factor in the lengthening of the road to adulthood is our increasingly labyrinthine labor market.

珂赛特把她两只凄惶欲绝的秀眼转过来望着他,不知所云地回答说Cosette turned toward him her beautiful eyes, all filled with anguish, and replied in a sort of bewilderment

历届“不知所云奖”得主包括名模纳欧米•坎贝尔、影星理查德•基尔和美国前国防部长唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德。Past winners include model Naomi Campbell, actor Richard Gere and former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

但当我们去聆听哲学时,听到的总是一些陈词滥调或不知所云而毫无智慧的感觉。But when many people listen to philosophy, they often hear some hackneyed and stereotyped expressions and feel puzzled.

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噢主啊,我怎么碰到个神经病。不跟你说了。不知所云。我记着你名字下次不和你说话。Oh Lord, I finally met a Psycho. Off with you now. You have no Idea. I will remember you name to remind of what I shouldn't be.

跑到华尔街去讲一些冗长的、让人不知所云的故事,说你是怎样在把惠普从一家低利润率企业转变为一家高利润率企业。Go to Wall Street and tell long, confusing stories about how you are transforming H-P from a low-margin to a high-margin business.

脱离语境或社会文化背景而孤立地理解语言,往往会笑话百出,甚至不知所云。Without a specific language context or cultural background, the independent comprehension of a language will be tricky or nonsense.

其实协议中几百页不知所云、术语遍布的文字似乎是为了惩罚那些不感兴趣的愚民。In fact the treaty's hundreds of baffling, jargon-strewn pages seem designed to punish any citizen unwise enough to take an interest.

虽然她的话让人听起来不知所云,冈萨雷斯还是非常吃惊,因为她确实是在跟他讲话,尽筦伤得很严重。Although her speech was disoriented, Gonzales was amazed that in spite of the seriousness of her injury, she was actually talking to him.

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数据还显示,英格兰银行去年夏天有关油价上涨推动工资上涨的担忧纯熟不知所云。The figures also showed that the Bank of England's fear last summer that the surge in oil prices would push up wage growth was wide of the mark.

妻子在听到丈夫说“结束了”的时候或许不知所云,那么她就不仅听清他说了什么,还要听他说话的语气。A wife may not be sure that what her husband is saying means "the end." She should listen closely, not only to what he says, but also to how he says it.

肖经理的妻子买菜回来看见时君迈一上来就说佟美的事,搞得她有些不知所云,她向时君迈问谁是佟美。Shaw, when the managers wife to buy vegetables come back see you started saying that tong beauty, make her some, she to ask who is the king tong beauty.