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摆上一个鞍马和蹦床。Get a vaulting horse and a trampoline.

跳到蹦床上你得先脱鞋。You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.

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有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻。A gymnast on the trampoline was turning somersaults.

我以为他鞋里装了蹦床。I thought he had a couple of trampolines on his boots.

而且小蹦床比多数运动器材都要便宜。And they are cheap compared to most exercise equipment.

何雯娜,蹦床运动员,是我最喜欢的女运动员。He Wenna, a trampoline athlete, is my favorite sportswoman.

这就像一个训练的蹦床,有助于孩子们锻炼学习。It's a useful trampoline for children to learn how to get by.

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它有两个蹦床,一个大型的滑冰场地和一个溜冰广场。It has two trampolines, a massive skate bowl and a skate park.

一名七年级学生急慌慌地硬挤到她俩前面,要报名参加蹦床俱乐部。An eager Year 7 barged in front of them to sign up for trampoline club.

何雯娜今年21岁,曾在2008年奥运会拿下女子蹦床金牌。He, 21, was the gold medalist in Trampoline of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

那里有吊环、双杠、蹦床和可供人跳上跳下的运动器械。There were rings, bars, trampolines, things to swing from and jump off of.

有包括橄榄球,篮球以及曲棍球,利用蹦床弹跳发球。It's a mix between football, basketball and hockey with trampolines thrown in.

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真有趣!我现在很喜欢蹦床和击剑这样的运动,这让我自己都感到惊讶。Fun! I've surprised myself by enjoying activities like trampolining and fencing.

小花映红了我的笑脸,蹦床蹦出了朵朵浪花。The floret reflected the red my smiling face, the recreation bouncer jumped a spray.

18日晚,在奥运会蹦床女子决赛中,资格赛排名第一的中国小将何雯娜以出色表现获得冠军。He Wenna, 19, from Fujian, won the gold medal in the women's trampoline Monday evening.

为什麽全息健康蹦床是世界上最有效、最有趣的健身健体器材。Why HH Bounce is the most efficient, most effective and most fun exercise in the world.

然后,圣诞节的那天早上,你一定猜到了,巴斯特终于有机会跳上蹦床,一次玩个够啦。Then, comes Christmas morning and, you guessed it, he finally gets his turn on the trampoline.

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如果你不想到室外去锻炼,你可以去买个小蹦床。If you don’t want to go outside to exercise, get yourself a rebounder which is a mini-trampoline.

但是许多滑雪者和骑手在水坡道、蹦床和跳水板上磨练空中技巧。But many skiers and riders hone their aerial skills on water ramps, trampolines and diving boards.

无论你身处船上、斜坡,还是在自行车或蹦床上,这款计时器都能为你精确计算时间。No matter you’re board, slope, bike or trampoline, this timer can take the precise measurement for you.