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让咱们换换口味来一个简易的话题。Then, let's alter a light topic?

这是一个简易程序的除外。This is a summary of exclusions.

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我献出今天来达到简易健康。I dedicate today to minimalist health.

IED是简易爆炸装置。IEDs are improvised explosive devices.

有时候这巴士停留在简易餐馆。The bus sometimes stops at a drive-in.

为简易一元化调整型。Simple adjustments for the uniform type.

2002年时,龚创建了一个简易的网站。In 2002, Gong created a simple web space.

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喜利得快速简易锚栓设计程序。Quick and simple anchor fastening design.

用C语言开发简易编译系统。Used C language to develop simple compiler.

教育者总能使艰苦之变乱得简易。Educators are who can make hard things easy.

他被一个简易制作的炸弹炸死。Hewas killed by an improvised explosive device.

设备组对放在简易的支撑上。The stack is fitting –up on the simple support.

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这是一款简易淋浴房,欢迎前来订购。This is a simple shower room, welcome to order.

图9.26给出了一个转换器的简易模型。Figure 9.26 shows a simple model of a converter.

简易方便,防止交叉感染。Simple and easy also preventing cross-infection.

而简易版也已经不存在最多三个程序的限制。The three application limit isn't there anymore.

对不起,我要买一些用简易英文写的故事书。Excuse me. I need some storybooks in easy English.

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对于案情简单的案件,可以作简易理算。Summary adjustment may be applied in simple cases.

该接口的简易性具有欺骗性。The simplicity of this interface can be deceiving.

战士们匆忙地建造了一座简易的木头馒垒。The soldiers hastily constructed a crude log fort.