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减民负担、富国强兵、统一北方。It made the country unify the Northern China.

与此同时,当夫差的王国每况愈下,越国则富国强兵。Meanwhile, as Fuchai’s kingdom declined, Yue grew rich and raised a new army.

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第四部分对商鞅富国强兵治国方略的和谐内涵进行了论述。The fourth part discusses the connotation of harmony of Shang Yang's government strategy.

第五部分对商鞅富国强兵治国方略的积极意义以及存在的问题进行了评析。The fifth part assesses the positive significance of the Shang Yang's strategy as well as the existing problem.

至于那些以国家兴亡为己任者,每天朝思暮想的,就是如何能富国强兵。Those people, who take the prosperity of nation as his own duty, always consider how to strengthen their nation and army.

1868年日本进行明治维新变革,把发展教育作为实现富国强兵的重要手段。In 1868, Japan started the Meiji Reformation and took the education development as an important means to implement "Rich country, Powerful Army".

在价值原则上,给予富国强兵最高的地位,倡导崇力尚功,强调“法”与事功精神的统一。On the value of principle, for enriching the national power is the highest position, advocated worship, emphasizes the unity of the spirit of law and feats.

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法家思想诞生于春秋战国的社会大变革时期,以其富国强兵、以法治国的理论而著名。Legalist ideology was born in Chunqiu-Zhanguo's period when the society reformed greatly, the ideology was famous for country's flourishing and law ideology.

但变法失败毕竟失去了一次富国强兵、使中国立足于世界强国之林的机会。But the miscarriage of the reforms did mean that one more opportunity to make China strong and prosperous and an equal partner among the world's powers was lost.

中国大学的建立和发展是国家在面临巨大危机的情况下进行的,作为富国强兵的工具,大学不可能摆脱政府的影响而发展成为自治实体。In contrast, Chinese universities were set up in perils and developed as tools for country's mightiness and prosperity, so it has no chances to realize autonomy.

文章结语部分从正反两方面对商鞅富国强兵治国方略给予概括评价并对商鞅治国方略的和谐内涵给予充分肯定。In conclusion, from both the positive and negative aspects, this article gives a general evaluation of Shang Yang's government strategy and fully affirms its connotation of harmony.

本文通过对商鞅富国强兵治国方略的和谐内涵的分析,从客观的角度提出了其对我国社会主义和谐社会建设的借鉴意义。Through analyzing the connotation of harmony in Shang's strategy, this paper from an objective view puts forward its referential significance to the construction of our socialist harmonious society.