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去防御你的衰朽,把自己加强?Who for thy self art so unprovident.

一百岁,对礼拜堂来说这是青年时期,对一般房屋来说却是衰朽时期了。A hundred years is youth in a church and age in a house.

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一个人无法不变老。但是他可以抵制衰朽。One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged.

我们的本性好生恶死,喜欢成长不喜欢衰朽,喜欢建设,不喜欢破坏。Our nature prefers life over death, growth over decay, construction over destruction.

一个人无法不变老。但是他可以抵制衰朽。——英国哲学家、作家塞缪尔。H.L。One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged. H. L. Samusel. British philosopher and writer.

首先,亨廷顿论辩说,政治衰朽至少和政治发展一样可能发生。First, the Huntington's argument that political decay and political development, at least as likely to occur.

所有你看到的事物都将迅速地衰朽,那些目击其分解的人们不久也将逝去。All that thou seest will quickly perish, and those who have been spectators of its dissolution will very soon perish too.

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老大的国民尽站在僵硬的传统里,不肯变革,衰朽到毫无精力了,还要自相残杀。Boss of the national best stand rigid tradition, refused to change, there is no decay to the energy, and even kill each other.

朱德还想的起来自个儿的岁数,他已三十六岁,青年时期一去不复返,留给他的是衰朽和幻灭。Chu Teh remembered his age. He was thirty—six, his youth had passed like a screaming eagle, leaving him old and disillusioned.

他和历史上很多敏而多思的艺术家一样,以从不衰朽枯竭的心灵,成为世界的多棱镜。He and the history of a lot of sensitivity and, like many artists thought to have never dried up decrepit soul prism of the world.

与时光相伴的“老”不可避免,问题在于这种过程性变化是进入化境,还是导致衰朽。Although oldness concomitant with time can not be avoid, it is important whether relevant process is leading to a lofty realm or decay.

因为所有事物按其本性是天生要变化、扭转和衰朽的,以便在连续的系列中的别的事物可以出现。For all things are formed by nature to change and be turned and to perish in order that other things in continuous succession may exist.

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因为如果一个人思考那像波浪一样一个接一个的变化和变形,思考这种变化的迅速性,他将看不起这一切会衰朽的东西。For if a man reflects on the changes and transformations which follow one another like wave after wave and their rapidity , he will despise everything which is perishable.

另一方面,历经百年的明代政治统治已出现了衰朽的征兆,宦官专权,吏治腐败。On the other hand, presented the decrepit indication after hundred year Ming Dynasty politics rule, officials despotism, the administrative eunuch and achievements of local officials has been corrupt.