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尽心竭力,照理应该得到较好的结果。So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward.

当局表示,他们尽心竭力来保护这些庙宇。The authorities say they are working hard to protect the temples.

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我们会尽心竭力为你们开拓市场,实现双赢。We will be dedicated for you to develop new markets, achieve a win-win situation.

苏总是尽心竭力地帮助我们,我真不知道该该怎么谢她才好。Sue has made every endeavour to help us. I hardly know how we can thank her enough.

我们衷心希望这是我们双方长期愉快合作的开始,我们将为此尽心竭力。W sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business association.

29我也为此劳苦,照着他在我里面运用的大能尽心竭力。Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.

忠,即是对自己的祖国,对自己身边的亲人,朋友尽心竭力。Loyal to their motherland, that is, on the side of his family, friends and strain every nerve.

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这位25岁的木匠不同意有关国大党没有尽心竭力帮助人民的批评。The 25-year-old carpenter disagrees with the criticism that the ANC hasn't done enough to help people.

何时你最可能尽心竭力把事情办好?那就是当你已经采取行动之时。When are you most likely to make the effort to get things done? It's when you're already taking action.

15并且,我要尽心竭力,使你们在我去世以后时常纪念这些事。Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.

我要尽心竭力使你们在我去世以后,也时常记念这些事。And I will endeavour, that you frequently have after my decease, whereby you may keep a memory of these things.

我们怎样在经济越来越全球化的环境下,能保证胜者对劣势群体尽心竭力?How do we ensure that in an increasingly global economy, the winners maintain allegiance to the less fortunate?

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真的,亲爱的先生,我们应该尽心竭力使你精神抖擞地应付这次庆祝选举的宣讲。Verily, dear sir, we must take pains to make you strong and vigorous for this occasion of the Election discourse.

这一措施有力地推动员工为公司尽心竭力,以期与公司共享成功。This is a powerful incentive to motivate the staff to do their utmost and to share in the company's prosperity if it reaches its goal.

目前,巴黎正在尽心竭力打造世界上最大的电动汽车出租系统Autolib,准备于2011年9月正式向外推出。Now, Paris is vying to create the world's largest public rental system for electric cars, dubbed Autolib and due to launch in September 2011.

不管你交上了哪一种运气,你那位好心的妈妈反正会尽心竭力来成全你的,你只要想到这一点,就会感到安慰了。Bennet, "but it is a comfort to think that, whatever of that kind may befall you, you have an affectionate mother who will always make the most of it."

超跃公司将以立足山西,面向世界宏图伟略、为美化人民生活,促进社会发展,尽心竭力。Chao Yue company will be based in Shanxi, the world vision slightly, in order to beautify the life of the people, promote social development, and dedication.

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请教育我的孩子懂得艰苦工作的价值和懂得尽心竭力、忠于职守完成工作的积极的道德意义。Please teach my children the value of hard work and the positive moral meaning of work when it is performed to the best and most faithful of their abilities.

忠恕之道是讲求尽心竭力地为别人办事,设身处地地为他人着想。The doctrine of the loyal and considerate is to handle affairs with all heart and all might in the interest of other people, to consider everything considerately from their angle.

所以,英明的君主宁愿舍近求远,这样就能保全功业,尊崇“贤人”,下级也就会乐于尽心竭力了。Thus the wise ruler would rather take the long process than the short process, so that he is able to complete his achievements, respect the Capable and have his subordinates give their best for him.