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承认罪恶。Confession of sin.

承认你的信仰!Confess your faith!

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承认你的担心。Acknowledge your worry.

首先你得承认你会这样做。First confess you do it.

他承认自己的短处。He admitted his weakness.

他承认这是一种盗窃行为。He agrees that it’s theft.

我不承认任何这类事情。I recognise no such thing.

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最终他承认了错误。Finally he owned his fault.

我承认我犯贱如何?I admit that I Fanjian how?

必须承认,我有点好奇。I gotta admit, I'm curious.

得承认,我很天真。I'll admit it, I was naive.

你应该承认还是否认?Should you fess up or deny?

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你应该承认错误。You should stand corrected.

经济地位承认了。Economic station is admited.

他承认偷了我的钱。He admited stealing my mony.

我承认,我就是一个自寻烦恼的人,我这辈子都是这样。I admit it. I’m a worrywart.

是那样,那名狱卒承认道。It was, the jailer conceded.

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没有人会承认自己有溃烂的疮疤。No man will admit his sores.

弗洛伊德承认这一点。Now Freud acknowledges this.

好的,我先承认一个嗜好。OK, I'll confess a weakness.