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他有一双套鞋。He has a pair of overshoes.

对方说。我现在要把这双套鞋放在门口。I will put them here by the door.

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他们在下雨天穿胶套鞋。They wear galoshes in wet weather.

他穿著橡胶套鞋和戴著一顶可笑的帽子。He was wearing galoshes and an absurd hat.

她在前门脱下了套鞋。She removed her overshoes at the front door.

天在下雨,你最好穿上“橡胶”套鞋。You'd better wear rubbers, for it's raining.

瑞摩娜的一只套鞋正躺在落脚处。One of Ramona's galoshes was lying on the landing.

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列宁陵墓的守卫们,穿着毡靴的胶套鞋Guards of Lenin’s mausoleum in felt boots with galoshes.

把我的橡胶套鞋给我,把这对鞋子放到我们带来的包袱里。Get me my rubbers, and put these slippers with our things.

那些放在阳台上的套鞋,绝大部分是打了补丁的。Those are put in the galosh on the balcony, the majority made a patch.

我的套鞋在客厅的壁橱里,但雨伞不见了。My rubbers are here in the hall closet, but the umbrella's disappeared.

在扣套鞋的的鞋扣时,我感到有人站在我面前。As I was buckling them, I felt the presence of someone standing over me.

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本人现为海角康足套鞋宝潍坊总代理。Myself presently am the cape Kang full overshoe valuable Weifang general agent.

保护鞋子不受水或雪破坏的一种防水套鞋。An article of footwear worn over a shoe as protection from water, snow, or cold.

我和妈妈买了票,穿上了厚厚的蓝色潜水衣,黑色的套鞋似的潜水鞋。I and mom bought a ticket, put on thick blue dive garment, dive like black galosh shoe.

那个老宫女立刻穿上套鞋,以同样的速度在后面追赶。That old maid-in-waiting immediately put ons the overshoe ses with the speed that same chase in the behind.

这个从她小小的橡胶套鞋下到覆盖着冰冻的山底的斜坡似乎对她来说是一个可怕而巨大的深渊。The slope from her little goloshes to the bottom of the ice hill seemed to her a terrible, immensely deep abyss.

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我头上什么也没戴,没戴手套的双手紧握在口袋里,套鞋上的几个扣子也松开了。My head was uncovered, my mittenless hands were clenched in my pockets, and a few of the clasps on my galoshes had worked loose.

在所有生产及贮存区,给人员提供保护服装。提供发套及套鞋以最大程度地减小污染。In all Production and Storage areas protective clothing is issued to personnel. Hairnets and overshoes are provided to minimize contamination.

据一些“老水电”介绍,现在套鞋的质量与以前相比是大大打了折扣。According to a few " old water and electricity " introduce, now the quality of galosh and photograph comparing was to call a discount greatly before.