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不问风来雨去!不问花开蒂落!Do not ask the wind to rain!

死神不问贫富,一视同仁。Death is no respecter of wealth.

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寄君一曲,不问曲终人聚散。Send you a song, ask Quzhong people gather.

与你作别,不问曾经伤痛几何。And you say goodbye, not once hurt geometry.

他怎么连问都不问就敢把我的自行车骑走了!How dare he take my bicycle without even asking!

别人向他寻求帮助的时候,他从不问理由。He never ask the whys when people ask him to help.

现在你不问青红皂白把我拖来这里?。And now you drag me in here with no probable cause?

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不问阿玛杏儿为什么害宝宝了?Don 't ask Ma almond did the son why impair a baby?

不问缘浅缘深,你来过我的世界就好!No margin of shallow edge of the deep, you to my world!

法律只究近因,不问远因。In law, the proximate, not the remote cause is regarded.

要是我不问你一声,不知你什么时候才肯说出来。I wonder when you would have spoken, if I had not asked you!

他们从不问为什么我不去了,只是祝贺了我一番拉倒。They never asked why. They congratulated me, and that was all.

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不问所以然,只是把失业的存在作为前定条件。Do not ask why, just take it as given that there is unemployment.

我父母问都不问就把信拆开来看。My parents asked all did not ask on disassembles the letter looked.

特别是他“玩儿”艺术,不求功名,不问市侩。Particularly he play with arts, and don't pursuit fame and secular.

有时她看着我,想着什么问题,但她知道还是不问为好。Sometimes she is looking at me and thinking but she knows not to ask.

忽略有意地忽视或置之不问或不理。To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.

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我更喜欢的是一个真正不问政事的军队。I would prefer a situation in which we had a genuinely apolitical military.

养亲旨在顺意,不问为什么,也不能讲什么大道理。Obedience is the aim of supporting parents. No why and no reason to speak of.

常绿不问情由责怪蕊红,直到看见蕊红的脚流血才知怪错她。Evergreen I blame red, until see core red feet bleeding know wrong to blame her.