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她有使坏的幽默感。She has a mischievous sense of humour.

此外还存在另一种使坏的根源。And there lies another source of sourness.

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他不会对他同学使坏,是吗?。He is not unkind to his classmates, is he?

耍滑使坏谁不会,只是君子不屑为之。Shuagushihuai who will not only gentlemanly disdain it.

我从来没有想过富兰克会给我在暗中使坏。It never came to me that Frank would stab me in the back.

如果你的风投公司背后使坏的话,他不会听到这些的--相信我。If your VC had stranded you, you won’t hear this – believe me.

来对女人使坏,女人主要用来对男人好,以前我对这种混。For women, the woman used for worst man good, I used to this mix.

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肯定的投“是”,但首先美国政府要保证不给中国使坏。Yes for sure, but first the US government need to promise not to ruin China.

他们知道我们为善不为人知或者对他人私下使坏吗?Do they know the good deeds we have done in secret or the evil we have wished on others?

当地人要求交出曹政,孙四康意识到是汤伯凡在使坏。The local people demanded the surrender of Cao Zheng, Sun Sikang realized that Tang Bofan is trying.

诚治想把西本的事情告诉寿美子,但是寿美子已经知道了是西本一直在使坏。Honesty to want to put XiBen thing to tell MeiZi life, but life MeiZi already know is XiBen have been worst.

如果外星人对人类使坏,即便是偶然地,最不理想的结果可能会出现。The most unappealing outcomes would arise if extraterrestrials caused harm to humanity, even if by accident.

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明义为了让刘桑和子松不敢再使坏,和阿肥联手,把二人狠狠修理一顿。Be improved in order to let liu SAN and child afraid to fail again, and the fat, the two people hard to repair.

仅依赖物理标记会使坏孩子很容易地拿光其父母保险箱中的钱。Just relying on a physical token would make it easy for wild adolescents to deplete the coffers of their parents.

纳税人必须得到适当的保护,从而使坏银行的进程对纳税人的经济利益的损害最小。And taxpayers must be properly protected, so that the bad bank process does minimal damage to their economic interests.

当重点落在惩罚上,把它作为对不恰当行为的反应时,我们只是教育孩子“使坏”时“不要被捉”。When the focus is on punishment as a reaction to improper behavior, we are only teaching the child not to“get caught” being “bad”.

金环使坏跑去强生家,通知吴月桂七妹是腊月羊,吴月桂一听大怒。Gold rings or cheat ran home, Johnson inform Wu Yuegui seven younger sister is the twelfth month, sheep Wu Yuegui a listen to great anger.

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维多利亚时代拒绝承认同性恋的存在,即使承认,也认为那一定是魔鬼在使坏,将予以严惩。The Victorian era refused to acknowledge that homo -sexuality existed and, eve n if it did, it must be the Devil's work and would be severely punished.

现在我相信这些决非是一个顽童使坏,很多人都是会这么认为的,而是一个崭露头角的叙事者为了给现实增添几分意趣,也为了理解的方便起见,而采用的不怎么高明的技巧。Now I believe these were not a child's mean tricks, as one might think, but a budding narrator's rudimentary techniques to make reality more entertaining and comprehensible.

他说,美国和它的盟国曾经也面临抉择,要么坐观坏的政府不断使坏,要么冒着惊动国家稳定的风险涉入其中。Once upon a time, he said, America and its allies had either to sit back and let bad governments do bad things, or risk destabilising states by interfering in their affairs.