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寄语亲人报喜讯。Send our dear ones the happy news.

我想让自己,让亲人,让朋友们看到我的成长。I'll do my best to get staight A's.

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他没有朋友也没有亲人。He has neither friends nor relatives.

这些荒闲草地从前的耕种者的亲人。Of former tillers of these fallow leas.

你留下的亲人们会如何?What about the people you leave behind?

亲人们啊!我们必须面对我们共同的敌人!O kinsmen ! we must meet the common foe!

对你亲人的仙逝我再次表示哀悼。Once again, I am so sorry for your loss.

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他感一种离乡背井告别亲人的忧伤,他望了望屋角的稿件。He looked at the manuscripts in the corner.

在大家庭里,送给亲人旧衣衫算是一种习俗。Hand-me-downs are the norm in a large family.

汶川的所有亲人们,朋友们,加油!Wenchuan all the relatives, friends, Come on!

梅斯菲尔德说自己没有任何亲人。Macefield said she doesn't have any relatives.

做你的亲人或你周围的人。Do it with your loved one or people around you.

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思念一个人,或亲人,或朋友,或爱人。Miss a person, or family, or friends, or lover.

像等候一个迟归的亲人。As if to wait for a late returning kid careworn.

同学,朋友,亲人!似乎都离我而去。Classmate, friends, family! Seem to have left me.

他们可以是朋友、亲人、玩伴…They can be friend and kinsfolk , play companion.

亲人们没有离往,一切都将延续。Pro-people did not leave everything will continue.

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与众多亲人重新建立联系。Re-establish contact with extended family members.

退休教师阿里芬失去了他的大部分亲人。Arifin, a retired teacher, lost most of his family.

远方亲人归路遥。The distance relative returning journey is distant.