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我是大力牛,踏实讲信用。I am MACHO OX, solid and trusty.

您时常会感觉非常不踏实。At times youll feel very ungrounded.

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我们需要的只是平静、踏实和秩序。We only need calmness, solidness and order.

你们要做愤世嫉俗者,超级变态机战私服,还是踏实的建设者?。Will you be a cynic, or will you be a builder?

可是那个女子,是踏实的干净的活着的。But that woman is dependably clean on the hoof.

它将使我重新回到踏实做事的世界里。It’ll help me return to the world of Doing again.

但他们都在踏实地做自己的小买卖。But they are doing their small business seriously.

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喝一杯热牛奶你会睡得更踏实。A cup of hot milk will put you off to sleep better.

我们事业的发展步代应该是缓慢踏实的。Slow but sure should be the way our business will grow.

你说这句话是想让我觉着踏实吗,马西米兰?You think to reassure me when you say that, Maximilian.

如果你有一个家,你就会觉得踏实和温暖。If you have a family, you will feel surefooted and warm.

老师常常要求学生们认真踏实的完成功课。The master always exacts quality work from his students.

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高度自我激励,踏实地工作并能随机应变。Highly self-motivated, committed and resourceful at work.

其他几头也似乎显得睡得很不踏实。The others also seemed to have relatively restless sleep.

工作踏实诚恳、勤奋刻苦钻研业务、工作热情,团结同事。I work in high emotion and hold together with my colleagues.

好怀念他的拥抱,那踏实的安全感。Good memories of his embrace, the practical sense of security.

质量为本、顾客至上、稳健踏实、精益求精。Quality-based, customer first, a strong pragmatic, excellence.

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我觉得普林斯顿的学生最踏实,And I felt that people here were the most, like, down-to-Earth,

这真是令人难以置信,因为现在公司的未来终于踏实了。It’s fantastic because the future of the company is now secure.

躺在自己舒适的小床上,睡得特别踏实。While couching on my comfortable bed, I can have a sound sleep.