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过着贫困潦倒的生活。Live a dog's life.

她已到了贫困潦倒的地步。She was left without a penny.

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我的意思是什么人穷困潦倒。What people mean my down and out.

他们两人都于穷困潦倒中死去。Both of them died in abject poverty.

潦倒的人,你夹着双腿走向哪里?Flaneur, nip your legs, going where?

而盖内克,几乎潦倒。While inside the cover of G, almost out.

他真的一贫如洗,生活潦倒得连狗都不如。Even the dogs lead a better life than him.

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我曾经爱过一个人,他,贫困潦倒。Once I dated a man who was very, very poor.

他曾经很富,现在却贫困潦倒、一无所有。Once a very rich man, he is now down and out.

穷人总有无数贫困潦倒之处。For one poor man there are an hundred indigent.

穷人总有无数贫困潦倒之处。For one poor man there are and hundred indigent.

裁掉某个客户很少会使你变得贫困潦倒。Rarely will cutting a client leave you destitute.

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我总是为那些贫困潦倒的人感到难过。I always feel bad for people who are down and out.

当你穷困潦倒的时候,仿佛已渺无希望。When you are down and out, there seems no hope at all.

当你穷困潦倒的时候,记得保持昂头挺胸。When you're down and out, remember to keep your head up.

萨拉丢掉工作和房子后变得穷困潦倒。Sarah was down and out after losing her job and her apartment.

范柳原得知他是个潦倒的律师,姓邱。FanLiu original learned that he is a dogs lawyer, name is high.

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自从工厂关闭后,她的父亲一直贫困潦倒。Her father has been down and out ever since the factory closed.

在去南亚的旅行中,我遇见了一位贫困潦倒的印度妇女。On a trip to south Asia, I met a desperately poor Indian woman.

曾是名神童,非常出名,但现在穷困潦倒。He had once been famous, a child prodigy, but now he was down and out.