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又或者说是一种不祥的预兆?Or is it an ominous omen?

这消息对她是不好的预兆。This news bodes ill for her.

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一种不详的预兆萦绕着他。He was netted by an ill omen.

这预兆表明会产生较好的效果。The omens betide better results.

幻听到声音是个警示的预兆。Hearing things is a warning sign.

这天气预兆着有好收成。The weather promts a good harvest.

做梦是一种预兆吗?Is daydreaming one kind adumbrates?

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癌症有什么预兆?What does cancer have to adumbrate?

这天气预兆着有好收成。The weather promises a good harvest.

他说梦境预兆相反的事。She said that dreams go by contraries.

这样,好作以色列家的预兆。This shall be a sign to the house of Israel.

肺癌有哪些症状,有预兆吗?Lung cancer has what symptom, have adumbrate?

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清晰预兆-现在在变形形态下也会被激发。Omen of Clarity ?Can now proc in shapeshift form.

“一个龙后,”提利昂说。“一个令人高兴的预兆。”"A dragon queen, " said Tyrion. "A pleasant omen. "

但是这段运气不好的情节只是将来发生的事件的一个预兆。But the episode served as an omen of things to come.

癌症的前期预兆是什么症状?。What symptom is the early days of cancer adumbrates?

夏装的款式常常是秋装的预兆。Summer styles are often a foretaste of autumn fashion.

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古代的巴别塔正是现今的预兆。The Babel of antiquity foreshadows the babble of 1991.

有人说交易失败预兆瓦解。There is talk of the failed deal presaging a break-up.

而这霜降之夜预兆了的雏见的收获。As the frost is calling for young harvest to the night.